
  1. T

    Worried about attorney

    My hearing is on Thursday and I am starting to get a little nervous about my attorney. Reason 1: I met with him in mid October and he told me he would call me every week to see how I am doing. I have not heard from him at all. Reason 2: He has never contacted my witness which he told me he...
  2. T

    I can't take anymore.

    Really, I just can't take anymore. I am 10 days from my hearing with the judge and I am falling apart. The closer it gets, the further I fall. I can't eat or sleep. I can't concentrate on anything. On top of everything else that is going on my sister in law had a massive heart attack on...
  3. H

    New user

    Hi! I am new to the forum. I have fibromyalgia and interstitial cystitis, migraines, endometriosis, essential tremor, asthma, allergies and Gastroparesis. I have been significantly sick for twenty years, and I am very thankful for my doctors and medicines and my family, but I guess I am looking...
  4. D

    So tired today... Zzz...

    I have been so tired today! I think it might be because I took my migraine medication last night when I went to bed. It's never had that kind effect on me before. I am becoming a little bit perkier as the day goes by, which makes me think my body is processing something out of my system. If it...
  5. K

    Fibromyalgia without typical pain

    I was sure the "do I have this?" questions would be numerous and look there's a whole section for it. My situation is complex and my brain is all foggy and tired but I'm trying to leave the blackout curtain open long enough to cool the room so I will try to get started and probably ramble on...
  6. T

    A little humor in all this madness

    Last night I was sitting in my chair ruminating about my disability hearing when something popped into my head. Remember the scene in The Wizard of Oz when the cowardly lion goes up to speak to Oz and he is shaking and stammering and when Oz yells at him he takes off running down the hallway...
  7. I

    newbie started on cymbalta

    I went for my first rheumatoligist visit yesyerday and she started me on cymbalta. I wondered how long it took for some people to feel any results with this. She referred me to a sleep psychologist and have me flexeril to take at night. She wants me to see a nuerologist but have not been able to...
  8. K

    New to forum not to fibro.

    Hello, I am a male and I have fibromyalgia. I believe my fibro was triggered by serious medical issues, endocarditis, stroke and breast tumor, I went through in 2012. I am having a tough time. I know my fibro has progressed. Some say it doesn't, but I will tell you I used to get periods of...
  9. E

    Pain all on one side - please help

    Has anyone else experienced soreness/cramping and bad fatigue in their limbs on one side only? I'm currently experiencing that on the right and it's freaking me out! Started with the arm, today is day 4. And last night my right leg started. Cramping in front of calf then came the cramping...
  10. EllaForgotten

    Recent diagnosis & overwhelmed with despair.

    I'm new to the forums and have been reading a bit. I have so many symptoms that no doctors (and I see many) will give me an answer or solution other than medications that will make me sicker. I feel like I'm slowly dying, literally, and I can't for the life of me understand why doctors simply...