newly diagnosed

  1. K

    newly diagnosed. need all the help I can get

    Hi All, My name is Keri as you can see lol. I'm new to the forum and also newly diagnosed. I'm 21, and to be honest utterly confused and lost. Ummm well first I'm think I'm in a fibro flare. I went to my PCP like last month and complained about pain and also shaking in my hands ( I was eating a...
  2. K

    HELLO everyone

    Hi All, My Name is Kiki and I am newly diagnosed with Fibro, so all advice is really welcome. Thank you x
  3. V

    Newly diagnosed-struggling

    Hi to all Very recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia and temporomandibular disorder, luckily got a quick and prompt diagnosis and started on treatment. Currently taking gabapentin, which am coping with but coming to terms with this illness is extremely difficult. My mood is extremely low to the...
  4. B

    Heavy arms, weak legs ?

    Hello! I am newly diagnosed. I was looking for others who might share the symptoms I have. It started with a tired weak feeling in my right leg when I would drive long distances. Now both my arms are usually very heavy , and get extremely fatigued after say the dishes or folding a load of...
  5. T

    Newly Diagnosed :(

    Hi, I just been diagnosed with FM for about a month and been only dealing with in since April of this year. So not long but it does feel like its been years already. I not sure what started the pain but we think it was stress because I was upgrading some of my skills for work and during that...
  6. Aeg213


    Hi I am newly diagnosed after 6 years of being told I'm crazy and it's all in my head also that I am to young! I just started Zoloft and so far I feel so much worse plus I am starting to go crazy from side affects I was taking 5 mg Percocet with 30mg xr timerelease adderall the combo did help...
  7. S

    New here - newly diagnosed as well

    Hi there I was diagnosed last week with fibromyalgia and rhuemetoid arthritis as well as bursitis in my hips. I'm presently a school bus driver but the bouncing of the seat is aggravating the bursitis in my hips. I am just starting medication. My questions are: Need to look for a new career -...
  8. A

    Newly diagnosed

    I have fibromyalgia, got some medication to help with all over body pain I'm taking Cymbalta and Tramadol with Tylenol. I have a question any advice on how to help with headache pain at night and fatigue feeling, I have been sleeping a lot. Thank you,
  9. G

    Newly Diagnosed

    Hi all, Thought I'd pop in and introduce myself :-) I'm recently diagnosed with Fibro (2 weeks ago) but suffered with M.E/CFS for almost 8 years, what a journey! I'm also diagnosed with Printzmetal's Angina and Hemiplegic Migraine. Am on lots of meds for the above, plus more meds, neuro has...
  10. B

    What type of pains Pain Meds

    newly diagnosed with FM and Sjogrens and I a taking hydrocodone 10.325 3 to 4 x a day. It doesn't get rid of the pain but takes the edge off. Nothing else seems to give me any relief. Doc even put me on Dilaudid which didn't help the pain at all only made me very dopey. I hate that I have to...