
  1. H

    Fibro & Anesthesia/Surgery?

    Hello to everyone, although I'm new to this forum I've lived with Fibro & related symptoms for a very long time. Initially diagnosed with Lupus due to ANA in bloods and aches and pains etc, decided to change Rheummy as I seemed to be on huge amount of serious meds and not feeling any better, but...
  2. J

    Sunday Moan and Groan

    I have had sustained widespread burning, aching pain since Wednesday of this week. This is the longest period of fibro pain that I can ever remember having. Any exertion on any muscle in my body (other than walking and showering) causes the pain to intensify. I am taking my tramadol (50mg)...
  3. A

    My story. Could this be fibromyalgia?

    I am a 24 year old mother of one. My health has recently gone from fair to poor in the past few years. Two years ago I joined an accelerated (and very expensive) RN program. I enjoyed it and couldn't wait to graduate but about 7 months prior to graduation I started having severe digestion...
  4. J

    walking on treadmill

    Well, I have been going to the gym the last few weeks and walking two miles+...trying to tone up and maybe lose a pound...I like the endorphin high I get but not do much the feeling of petrified all over muscle ache I get several hours later..I take two advil or sometimes half a pain pill to get...
  5. P

    New member, worse than usual pain?

    Hello all, I'm new here and I don't have anyone to talk to about this. I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and am currently not on meds. I can't tolerate lyrica, and was on neurontin for awhile. I quit taking that about a year + ago because of dental issues. Some background, I have back...
  6. Trellum

    Tense neck muscles

    Hi guys! Having a bad day, the muscles in my neck (only left side) seem to be kinda stiff, no matter what position or how I lie down, it still bothers me and hurts! I really think I need to get a MRI done. Does anyone suffer from this often? How do you ease the pain? Been thinking of taking...
  7. T

    Building symptoms for several years...and?

    My only medical diagnoses are "Pure O" OCD and Bipolar type 2 with associated depression -I've been depressed off and on since I was 13. I'm on lamictal and lexapro. I'm 27. I noticed my first weird symptom about 4 years ago. Floaters in my eyes and weird numbness and tingling in my...
  8. P

    Feeling too tired

    I am not 40 yet, but close and I don't think I have fibromyalgia, but the fact is I get extremely tired every single time I exercise and unless I take some sort of supplements in the next days I have a lot of muscle pains. Can these be some early symptoms or is this totally unrelated?
  9. P

    Intimacy and Fibro

    I am wondering how others are dealing with being intimate with their partners with fibro. What do you do to keep your relationship going when all you want to do in bed is sleep and everything hurts? My partner and I love to cuddle. I love it when he rubs my back and holds me, however sometimes...
  10. K


    Hello everyone. !st I want to say I really appreciate having this place to come to where people actually understand what it is like to have fibro. NO ONE in my family has a clue or has ever shown any interest in trying to understand. I have had this for many many years. The last year of...