
  1. H

    Does anyone hurt ALL over?

    I am in the process of being diagnosed and I feel like I am going crazy! My symptoms have gotten so bad the last month, from random achyness to full blown pain EVERYWHERE. I can barely walk some days, because my legs hurt that much. My fingers hurt, my elbows hurt, my arms hurt, my feet hurt, my...
  2. W

    New symptom for me-is this common?

    I have had severe back/neck pain. Fingers and toes often feel broken. I have severe muscle and nerve pain. None of that is new. What is new is a sharp/tingly sensation in my feet. It's increasing in severity and happens daily. I do work full time with the help of Tylenol, Gabapentin and pain...
  3. A


    Hi, I was hoping someone here could answer a question for me. I've searched the forum, but the related posts are showing as removed or something (the links are broken). I've had a terrible, sudden, entirely mysterious, undiagnosed health problem that started in the fall of 2013 and got...
  4. S

    Help! need advice

    ok to start this out I am a 22 year old male and about 3 or 4 years ago I started experience cramping type pain in my legs has always been both legs never just one I went to the doctor and at that time he had thought I had hurt my back and I had some nerve test done on my back and everything...
  5. L

    Fed Up

    Hi all! My name is Larry, I'm 43, and I'm new here. Sorry for the less than cheery "Title," but that's what I am. For about two years I have had these mystery symptoms: 1. Painful abdominal bumps under skin (lipomas) 2. Painful bumps on ribs 3. Visible muscle twitches all over my body 4...
  6. E

    New to forum - help please

    Hi everyone, I developed fibro gradually from 2009 - 2012. In the fall of 2012 I got it under control effectively by seeing a great massage therapist in the Vancouver (Canada) area. Recently I moved to the Seattle area and A: have a new (worse) bed, and B: am having trouble finding a good...
  7. H

    Feeling GOOD!

    This is the first day this year I can say I feel good:smile: January and Febuary I was exhausted every day. Then I had the worst flare up of joint and muscle pain I've ever had. The depression hit and the "crazy" moods you can have jumped on board but this morning I feel as close to a normal...
  8. Ichiban71

    Newly diagnosed (hello and some background about me)

    Hello from New Hampshire. Just got diagnosed a couple of days ago. I've been a migraine sufferer since I was a teen, but the headaches have changed since I've gotten older and stopped having babies, I'd say about 6 years ago. I've gotten a couple of MRIs done due to the headaches and other added...
  9. J

    Some Taurine info from a friend on FM treatment

    Taurine 4-5 grams twice daily. Taurine is vital for reducing microglial activation. It assists in reducing neuropathy and in improving muscle function. Vitamin B12 1 mg, Methyl Folate (MTHF) 5 mg daily, acetyl-carnitine 500mg twice daily, CoQ10 150mg daily, Benfotiamine (Thiamine) 100mg twice...
  10. J

    Gaba and Insomnia

    Watching tv tonight, there some ad on insomnia and neurotransmitters. Gaba is one key supplement in my sleep combo (posted it here). I've not dealt with insonmia and do get 8-10 hrs MOST nights of pretty good sleep. Here is info on Gaba and Sleep: How Does GABA Promote Sleep? Table of...