
  1. A

    Is this Fibromyalgia

    Hi All, I really appreciate all your time and comments. I have mentioned my symptoms below, please forgive my English, as I am not good at it. I am 31 yr old male. 1. Upper back pain and neck pain started around June 2015 with numbness in right hand little finger and right leg little finger...
  2. A

    Is it Fibro

    Oops posted in wrong window
  3. D

    This makes me doubt fibromyalgia

    At times like this is when I don't think I have fibromyalgia. I was visiting with someone at their house and my feet couldn't touch the floor in the chair I was sitting in. My feet started burning, then my legs starting burning and aching. I was fine before I got there. I have told the doctors...
  4. D

    Fibromyalgia disbelief

    I haven't been diagnosed yet, but I have a referral to a rheumatologist this coming Tuesday. My referral states: possible arthritis or fibromyalgia. I have been asked by friends and family before if it could be fibromyalgia. Every time I looked it up, I didn't think so. Mainly because I don't...
  5. D

    Possible symptoms

    My pain started with both ankles aching and "burning" in January and a few days later my thighs ached liked I had done a workout yet I hadn't. I hadn't been on the treadmill because I thought that is what caused my ankle problems. Then I started with the tingling and numbing sensations in my...
  6. M

    Need answers! please!

    Hi all, This all started 2 months ago... started feeling like an inside tickle on my left buttock and fitness Het a very uncomfortable sensation then felt it in ny left shoulder and upper back the similar sensation but it was unbearable like a inside deep tickle that made me want to hold my arm...
  7. I

    im going to jail free food and drugs

    im grabbing docs and random street people and just beating them till im to tired lets see chiropractor number 300 or more recliners are bad to sleep in well then fix my back i dont know whats wrong ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 30 mri 15 cats lost count of exrays lost count of chiros im ready to do a...
  8. S

    Not sure if this is fibro but can't hurt to ask

    Hi all, Thanks for taking the time to read my story. I enough of my symptoms were consistent with fibro to give it a shot. About a month ago, my left leg developed a sensation somewhere between a dull ache and tickle that ran from my groin to my feet plus a feeling like an electrical charge...
  9. S

    Could I have fibromyalgia?

    Hi everyone, thanks for taking a moment to read my post. I'm a 35 year old otherwise healthy woman. For the past 1 1/2 years I have been dealing with weird episodes that come and go. The episodes seem to appear out of the blue (are not triggered by stress or any other thing I can identify)...
  10. T

    50yr old male w these symptoms...

    I have had burning and aching in feet for several years. Then the burning moved to the ankles for last 4 months. I then developed twitching in left calf which has moved to different parts of my body. I have since developed muscle spasms/cramps in my legs,hands,arms etc.,and my ankles are...