
  1. N

    Hello pain nation, I'm so glad I'm not alone

    Hi everyone, I'm Nada, I was just diagnosed with fibromyalgia a week ago. I was so greatful to finally get a name for this monster that has been ruining my life. I have been doubting myself for a while, thinking that maybe I'm just crazy or had become a hypochondriac. I have Graves disease...
  2. H

    In need of help

    Would like to just ask if any of you have the same symptoms: Weakness in arms/shoulders/neck/core and legs Pain in arms/hips/core - a soreness feeling dry mouth insomnia random twitching everywhere arms/legs/core/lips/chin/eyes bad memory slight shake to my hands that I notice when holding...
  3. M

    At what ointment did I just tell my whole family to pissed off?

    :mad: ok I'll admit it, I've had it!. OK God, I think I've learned every lesson. So here's the short version, My Husband loves and appreciates me when everything's going his way, clean house, dinner on time, and skinny wife. Skinny over for this girl. Here's what happened yesterday. I was...
  4. C

    my journey with morphine withdrawals.

    Well folks, as you know from my posts, i have moved to the mountains in AZ. i am getting reduced pains here. elevation works! i went to a pain mgt doctor on the mountain and i found they are uneducated and uncaring. the doctor said i was crazy and I was making up that i had my diagnosis. as...
  5. P

    Hello. New here

    Hello, my name is patti. I'm 48, employed full time and was finally diagnosed with fibromialga last week. I have been living with it for about 4 years. My life consists of work, overtime, my mother depends on my help with her daily living, and sleep sweet sweet sleep. My life has been ruled by...
  6. C

    Given up

    I am not on med now but had been on a number of them. Very hard to walk even around the house, to sleep more than 2 hours at a time if I am lucky, no family or friends to support me and that is including my wife, she does not under stand what Fm is doing to me. Not enough money. Have given up on...
  7. L

    *Insert Engaging Title To Lure Respondents Here*

    Well, now that you have been sufficiently lured (and oh the laugh I will have at myself if this comes to nothing but lonesome tumble weeds and errant dust devils), please endure this merciless onslaught of words and show yourself to be the steadfast victor by sharing your thoughts. This is my...
  8. M

    Spots of my skin burns but no rash or swelling

    Hi I am new to this, but I am trying to figure out what I have. I think it is Tactile Allodynia a form of Fibromyaligia, anyone familiar with this. It is spots about 2 to 3" wide, that burn especially when you or anything touches the sport, there is no rash, no swelling, no change in skin color...
  9. C

    Am I weak if I go on disability?

    I got diagnosed in the past week, but I've had severe symptoms since October. I'm considering going on disability. I used to work ~38 hours a week but I had to quit because of the pain and fatigue. I'm only 19 and I'm stuck at my parents house. I can't work but would like some semblance of...
  10. P

    New from Arizona

    Hi. My name is Linda and I'm 55. I used to be an employed engineer until this chronic pain condition killed my career a few years ago. I haven't been officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia but I strongly suspect that's what the rheumatologist will say I when I see him next week. It took me...