
  1. DoobieBrother

    Sex and FM

    I thought long and hard about this post....hmm, maybe not the best choice of words with which to begin such a thread !:shock: Lemmee try again ;) I'd like to know if other men have similar difficulties when it comes to marital relations, FM, and opiates. If dealing with pain, lack of sleep...
  2. medicmurphy

    Mentally Hit The Wall

    Hello folks, I'm new on this forum. Primarily because I think after 26 years I have hit the perverbial wall mentally. It's hard to explain and I'm wondering if the Fibro community will understand. Emotionally I am still coping. Physically I have become so accustomed to feeling like a pile of...
  3. M

    Fibro Fog, frustrating and psychiatrist issue

    I filed for SSD and they sent me to a psychiatrist because I have fibro fog. In this 20 minute visit, this person is supposed to determine my mental health and if I have "so called fibro-fog". I know it's very real, my neurologist and rheumotologist have both said I have it. Even without them...
  4. L

    Hand and foot symptoms?

    Does anyone else experience anything other than just pain in their hands or feet. For the past few weeks I've been experiencing hands and feet that feel hot and stingy but are actually cold to touch. The palms of my hands are extremely sensitive when touching anything. A warm bath helps but my...
  5. M

    Homeostasis/Tolerance ruins every treatment attempt

    Does anyone else have problems with homeostasis and drug tolerance, to the point that whatever treatment you try only works for a couple months at best? I've taken and gabapentin, lyrica, baclofen. They all worked great...until they stopped working. Sleep aids are the same. Even diet! I...
  6. H

    The Path To Treatment Continues

    I have mentioned here before that I was trying to change my doctor due to the overwhelming urge to knock the first one into the floor. On my last visit to him, he refused my request for a referral to a rheumatologist on the basis of "a rheumatologist only sees patients with rheumatological...
  7. G

    what type of doctor to help with this pain?

    I was diagnosed a year ago with FM by my general practitioner. At the time I was already on Escitalopram for depression and he prescribed Mobic for the pain. I also have bone on bone OA of both knees. The Mobic has helped my knee pain but for me, the worst pains are the "zings" that happen out...
  8. Sugarplum

    How Do You Mentally Releve Your Pain?

    Is there anything you can do to take your mine off of your pain? For me, I am building my family tree online. I spend hours digging up old relatives I never knew, and facts about their lives that blow me away. It keeps my mind from rusting and I have something else to talk about with others...
  9. V

    widespread pain, support and treatments

    Found this forum as I have questions about fibro and dealing with the pain and exhaustion. I haven't yet been diagnosed but am waiting to see a rheumatologist. Ive had a lot of symptoms (mostly pain related) over the past many years but haven't put all my symptoms together until recently...
  10. C

    Need help with painful feet

    Hi, im in desperate need of help, i have only just been diagnosed and i was wondering if anyone has any tips on what to do with my feet. They hurt so bad and i work 10hr shifts on my feet. I have currently been off work for 11 weeks now but next week im hoping to start a phased back to work. Iv...