
  1. S

    History of trouble... possibly leading to fibro?

    Hi everyone! I need help figuring this out, so I'm going to give you A LOT of details. Feel free to skim everything in order to read what's most helpful to you. The only diagnosis I have at this point in time are chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis (type is unknown, but ruled out rheumatoid...
  2. J

    Pain ruining a vacation

    I was so excited to go on vacation; however, I over did the walking on the first day. We got lost, so 2 hours were added to the walk. I've woken up today in so much pain, but I'm able to move, so I'm not going to say anything and ruin our 2nd day of the trip. I've managed to convince the...
  3. L

    Will strengthening exercises help back?

    Hi, Newbie here. But not new to FM - have had it about 30 years. Change of seasons, weather, having a cold - any change brings about a flare. Am now 76 and have been able to cope all these years using meditation, visualization, writing, pushing myself (when possible). However, this month my...
  4. MizzDeeDee

    Hands cramp up?

    How about this symptom? Does anyone have this issue as well? Besides my hands just hurting, they'll literally cramp up and the muscles will spasm! It's pretty bad if I'm doing something like coloring with my daughter. My thumb will literally spasm and cramp over into my palm! I'll literally...
  5. V


    I was diagnoses about ten years ago. Fm affects my life in every aspect of daily living. I hurt of course. Lately I also feel weak. The fatigue affects me the most sometimes. I can deal somewhat with pain, but not fatigue. I just started seeing a chiro. But I am sure the flare I'm Im today is...
  6. L

    how has massage helped you

    hi, i am a massage therapy student. i am having to do a project on how massage therapy has helped someone cope with fibro. i would be really greatfull if a few of you would allow me to post your testimony on how massage has helped you i would be really greatfull. thanks for taking the time to...
  7. G

    Cure and treatment in Ayurveda

    Ayurvedic treatments are fast gaining popularity in the contemporary situation. There are many Ayurvedic ventures such as resorts, hospitals, massage centres and spas. Ayurvedic treatments are popular as they provide cure for the disorders of the hectic life. There are specific treatments for...
  8. L

    New to the Group - Lots of questions, please!

    Hi, I have had pain for a long time and I am finally going to a rheumatologist today. I have been doing a lot of research on fibromyalgia and I have almost all the symptoms. Can someone advise me on things I need to ask the doctor, please. Also, is anyone getting relief from anything they...
  9. L

    Newly Diagnosed

    Hi. My name is Bev. I finally got diagnosed yesterday! Not that I wanted a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, but I wanted to know what was wrong with me and why I was having so much pain and sensitivity (even though in the back of my mind I knew). I even asked my Rheumatologist if there were any other...
  10. L


    Hi everyone! I am new to this site, and am kind of feeling my way. I was diagnosed with fibro about 10 years ago. I was lucky, and picked an awesome Rheumatologist from the start. He did the trigger point test on me the first visit, and away we went. I get massage and acupuncture to help...