
  1. R

    Are you considering moving to a medical marijuana state?

    Would you go to that length to treat your fibromyalgia? The residents of the bible belt will be waiting a long time for medical marijuana laws to pass in their states. Are you considering moving to a medical marijuana state?
  2. R

    More benefits from medical mary jane! Check it out

    I know a lot of you use medical marijuana or pain relief. There's even more of a benefit it turns out. You can fight cancer with the use of mary jane! Here's the scoop: Compound found in marijuana shown to 'turn off' cancer Researchers at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco...
  3. Trellum

    Neck pain

    Lately I've been struggling with neck pain, I think this kind of pain is one of the most debilitating ones, because when I have it I can't even sleep :( I'm firm on my decision tho: I'm NOT taking more meds! I don't want to load my body with more chemicals and expose myself to a lot unpleasant...
  4. R

    Does medical marijuana help?

    I have a family member with fibromyalgia who is interested in using medical marijuana. Has anyone out there tried this? I'm sure many of you have tried it but I mean has anyone else tried it to ease the pain of fibromyalgia? If so, how has it worked or not worked for you or the person that...
  5. F

    Medical Marijuana

    I live in the state of Massachusetts and we recently passed a law legalizing the use of medical marijuana. I spoke to my doctor about it and she said as soon as the system is set up she will get me a card for it since it is known to help fibromyalgia symptoms. Do any of you live in a state...
  6. Z

    Medical Marijuana

    I live in a state where medical marijuana is legal. Has anyone tried this for the fibro insomnia and pain. I'm getting desperate for a good night sleep. Would be most curious to know what dosages...most interested in oral (mixed with food) intake versus smoking. Response would be appreciated...
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