
  1. D

    Wondering if it's possible

    Hello, I'll try to keep this brief. But I am a 23 y/o male that came down with debilitating symptoms last year in September after living a totally healthy lifestyle and exercising often. My illness definitely felt like an "attack" of some sort. Let me know if anyone can relate to this or if it...
  2. A

    My Story, My Pain

    :pHello Fellow Fibro Members, Of course, obviously I am new... My story does not just center around the fibromyalgia, instead,,,, I deal with many other health concerns. In short, I suffer from multiple back problems including; (degenerative disc disease, bulging discs, arthritis, tears in...
  3. S

    Toxoplasmosis causing Fibro?

    Hi, I'm new here to the forum. I'm 30 now, was diagnosed in 2007, and until that time, I was in the best shape of my life. I worked 8 hours a day, then went to the gym for 1.5 hrs, and still had tons of energy to function. When I got sick, I had no energy, was so exhausted that as soon as I...
  4. M


    Hi I'm a 40 year newly minted patient with fibromyalgia. The diagnosis was made in September 2012. Before doing this I never heard of it. (of FM) The pain is unbearable, the worst thing is the right arm. That's painful that I learned to write with my left hand. It all started many years ago when...
  5. M

    Unexpected Diagnosis

    Hi. I was just diagnosed with Fibromyalgia on Friday by a Rhuematologist. I am 41 years old, married almost 20 years, and have 3 children ages 8-23. I was surprised by this diagnosis to say the least. I had heard of Fibromyalgia but not thought about it in regard to the way I was feeling...
  6. H

    I'm Harvey

    Hi, I am 25 and I live in Georgia. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in May of this year. My blood also came back positive for Lyme disease, but an infectious disease doctor told me it's a false positive because it is impossible to get Lyme disease in Georgia. Needless to say, I am waiting to...
  7. T


    Hi! I am not officially diagnosed yet but most likely will be next week. The Rheumatologist wanted to run one more round of blood work to rule out auto immune disorder but he talked a lot about Fibro and sent me home with a list of legit websites to get more info so pretty sure he is...
  8. C

    Having some symptoms, looking for opinions

    Hi. I would like to give you a history of what I have experienced over the past year and 2 months. (previously healthy, no medical conditions what so ever) April 22 2012. I went to emerg because I was experiencing dizziness and my upper arms and upper legs were tingling. Multiple tests were done...
  9. R

    New Here..hello

    Hi-- My name is susan. I have had fibro for almost 10 years..I should say that was when I was diagnosed. I suspect I have had it a lot longer. I too have been tested for Lupus, ect ect. I have had Lyme disease, but these Fibro symptoms are more frustrating. The rain is making my joints and legs...
  10. D

    Hi, new from Colorado

    I'm so glad to have found this group. My fibro was directly brought on by PTSD. I'm told that is definetly a fibro starter. I'm wondering if anyone else in here has gone thru all the bloodwork for Lyme's Disease and come to find out they have that instead? I have had 2 ticks removed from the...