
  1. G

    Fibromyalgia fog

    What a nightmare you're going through. It's more than obvious that something major is going on. Are you eating and still losing weight or are you not eating? If you are eating--something isn't letting you absorb nutrients. With my daughter, her issue was her intestines--she absorbed nothing...
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    Alone and lost

    Let me begin by apologizing. My thoughts have a tendency to jump all over, making it difficult to follow my thought patterns. Please be patient with me. I'm a 44 yr old single mother of 2 wonderful young men aged 23 and 18, both live at home with me. I stopped working almost 4 years ago, and...
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    Re: A few major concerns

    Re: A few major concerns Does anyone here know, from their journey to diagnosis--if atrophy is possible with MS? I keep thinking that if I had ALS, I'd be worse than I am after a year of atrophy in my hands. Is that a valid assumption? I know the neurosurgeon was concerned--but do EMG/NCVs...
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    weakness vs fatigue

    Fatigue of a muscle: •Physiology. The decreased capacity or complete inability of an organism, an organ, or a part to function normally because of excessive stimulation or prolonged exertion. This is what usually has been happening to me for years now. My muscle tone had been tight from...
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    new here and very scared!

    Hello everyone, I have not been diagnosed with als but am very scared that i have it. I have a long story but I will try to shorten it as much as possible. i got the swine flu back in april and have been having weird neurological symptoms ever since. It first started out with my arm feeling...
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    Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 16 years ago

    Hi Sagemark and welcome! I also want to share my dieting experience. I was diagnoseded with fibro 16 yrs ago. I first was sent to a neurologist 1 1/2 yrs ago because of balance and gait problem (many falls). My neuro concluded then that my problems were musculoskeletal and recommended that I...
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    lexapro, diagnosis, fibro

    Hi lYdia, I have been there as well.......I was trying to buy the stress in the start of this and went on the lexapro (no groovy things happen to me, darn) but my sx have progressed and NO stress would cause it. Ihave been 100x more stressed then this past year and felt great. Infact I thrive...
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    I am back and feeling lost, extreme joint cracking

    Hi all. Some of you may remember me. For 5 months I have been having migratory pains that will hit one area for a few seconds to hours then move to another spot. They feel like deep toothache pains and usually affect my ankles, toes, fingers, hands, spine. A wk after the onset of this I noticed...
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    is ALS starting? or fibromyalgia?

    :oops:Hello all I'm 27 male, I'm still not diagnose but I have some very frightened symptoms and I want to hear your oppinions. In March of 2007 after very stressful situation I started a lot of symptoms: -Fasciculations all over my body(very strong I can see my body parts twitching)...
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    my story

    well, I am not sure where to begin. I have had some minor things on and off for along time. Quickly-epstien barr virus at 20. That lasted for a year or so, there was no twitching, just tired and achey. Then 8 yrs ago mis-diagnoised with MS. I was having tingling and numbness, had MRI, came back...