
  1. W

    new here-frustrated

    I've been living with Fibro for three years, lost medical when I could no longer work. I moved closer to family in Illinois and needless to say the Medicaid program doesn't pay for any fibromyalgia drugs that actually works. The drug companies don't give help to anyone on Medicaid. Now they are...
  2. W

    I just joined today 8.20.15 hello!

    wow, don't know what to say. I've had fibro for a long time, and its progressed until I feel isolated and alone, and over-joyed when I have the energy that actually has something to do with just fun and NOT another doctors appointment. It makes me sad, and exhausted, wears on me. I've never...
  3. Hippiechick91

    How to post to my own blog

    Hey there! Im sort of new and I can't figure out how to lost my own blogs. I can see other blogs but there is no option for me to post my own. Is it because I am using my phone or am I just missing it? Thanks y'all! I hope today was less painful for you than yesterday!
  4. A

    Severe hair loss

    Hi, I was diagnosed fibromyalgia in last 3 months and this disease had changed my life. I don't know what to do with it. I have severe hair loss problem with scalp pain and my doctor told me this is because of fibromyalgia. Basically, I'm conscious about my beauty and hair, so shedding of hair...
  5. T


    Hi everyone, I have been in pain for a while and have had surgery for chiari malformation, but a lot of symptoms still exist. I have a lot of upper back pain, I get pain and tenderness as well as pins and needles, my shins burn when I walk 100 metres. I also have tender lymph glands under my...
  6. L

    I feel like weight gain from FM is ruining my life...

    Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum and new to FM. I'm 33 and was diagnosed in April after a 6-month long Epstein Barr virus infection. I gained more than 30 pounds in that time. I am now taking Plaquenil and Elavil for the pain, and phentermine to help me lose weight. My pain is improving and I...
  7. PattiD

    Stomach/abdomen issues?

    Anybody else have stomach/abdomen issues? I seem to be alright for a few days or weeks and then the bottom drops out. (Pardon the pun) I've tried eliminating certain foods but it always seems to change. I've lost a lot of weight because of this. Don't get me wrong. I was overweight most of my...
  8. S

    New... Kinda worried

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia by a rheumatologist who has been adamant about ignoring all my other symptoms. At the moment I'm having a flare of some sort, which includes extreme exhaustion, pain, migraines, breathing trouble, loosing my hair, rashes and brain fog, just naming a few...
  9. L

    23 and I feel like my life is over

    last December 2014 I had my neck go out as I was reaching for my purse on the ground, was in such excruciating pain that I couldn't move my neck so I was out of work for a week until it finally started to feel better..which my neck did get better, but the trauma that my body went through with my...
  10. R

    Please help me - my life is ruined - partial success

    Hi All, I have been suffering from : 1) relentless headaches 2) sleep disorders 3) burning eyes 4) fatigues 5) low energy 6) excessive dryness throughout body specially hair since I was 13, today as I write I am 32 and nearly 20 years later I realize that something is terribly wrong with...