
  1. S

    Sexual Question for the Guys

    Okay so I'm having this issue. Having this issue for a long time. Never wanted to talk about it with anyone. Never even thought of putting it on here till I saw the post about "Satisfying Sex possible with Fibro?". So alright guys let me get to my problems. Is anyone else having problems...
  2. S

    justsaying hello

    Hello all, I have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis, Fibro, Asthma, arthritis, chronic fatigue, and lower back issues! I'm just so frustrated, because for the last year they have been monitoring me for MS as well! I'm tired of being in pain, being tired, dealing with SS waiting on a hearing...
  3. M

    pain in shoulders

    Does anyone get severe pain pain in one shoulder that goes down arm and to hands and also not able to lift arm up? I was just wondering if this comes also with having fibromyalgia.
  4. C

    Diagnosed 2 yrs ago but didn't believe it until now!

    Hi all, I was diagnosed 2 yrs ago with Fibro but I didn't really believe that was what I had until now. this last couple of weeks has been hell! It started with a messed up knee. Saw the doc for that, had MRI and revisit him on Monday. Since then I have had a horrible pain in my hip also and...
  5. A

    Hello *waving energetically*

    I am Ali and I am new to this group and new to fibro. I have been suffering for years but it wasn't until one day last month when I woke up sobbing because I couldn't move and my whole body hurt that I made an appointment with my doctor. The Dr had diagnosed me last year with IBS but I was so...
  6. P

    Does any of this sound familiar?

    Hi there - I'm new and am really glad that y'all are out there to be helpful and supportive to those of us who are figuring stuff like this out. I have never been diagnosed with Fibro, but some people have mentioned it to me lately, and a few things have really started to sound familiar, so I...
  7. I

    Shoulder/arm pain?

    It is hard to remember life before fibro, or to know what is actually from it and what is just alongside it. I have this really bad pain in my upper arm, shoulder area. If my arm is bent and I try to lift it, the pain is intense. It aches all the time. I can do stuff if I keep my elbow tight...
  8. L

    Hi! I am new! :) <3

    Hi! I wanted to join your site as I have had Fibromyalgia since 1999. I was a Registered Nurse for 20 yrs & had to quit after the birth of my son 10 yrs ago. I loved my job I didn't want to but was physically suffering too much to take care of others & work 12 hr shifts. I spend a lot of time...
  9. M

    thoughts ?

    Hi all, So glad to have support. I have been reading and I am thankful for this forum. I've been feeling crappy for roughly two years. It first came in the form of major digestion issues - I'd burp all the time and got no relief... just burp, burp, burp. I had seen many docs with regard to...
  10. E

    HOW do i get them to understand?

    I know i am new here, as yesterday was my first post, but after i got home from work last night, in the worst pain yet, i got upset because my fiance simply does not understand! I don't know what to do, simply asking for a back rub seems as tho its a burden, he says why do you hurt so bad? or...