
  1. S

    Not sure if this is fibro but can't hurt to ask

    Hi all, Thanks for taking the time to read my story. I enough of my symptoms were consistent with fibro to give it a shot. About a month ago, my left leg developed a sensation somewhere between a dull ache and tickle that ran from my groin to my feet plus a feeling like an electrical charge...
  2. Hippiechick91

    Leg pain and locking of joints HELP

    Hey there! I've been having having problems with my elbows, hips and knees locking up. Today I was sitting on the bed in a loose Indian style with my knees not bent all the way. I went to straighten my right leg out and I couldn't. I was in so much pain! But it was also painful to leave it in...
  3. Forgetmenot

    Don't u hate it when

    your arm or leg shoots out for no reason sending your cuppa tea or for our American friends coffee.flying across the room. It seems that my arms have a life of there own ,is great amusement for my 14 year old daughter . She sits and crys laughing while my lipstick winds it way up my lips to my...
  4. T

    New to Fibro

    About a year and a half ago I got strep throat which for the first time in my life I had to spend a week in bed. Never heard of before with me. Got through it and a week or so later got this pain in my right side. A piercing pain that got worse. My Dr. gave me a pain killer that didn't do much...
  5. C

    shock sensations in foot+ leg

    For the past 2 weeks my second and third toe on my left foot have been numb. I had an 'attack' lastnight in the kitchen. Every time I put pressure/stood on my left food, I had shooting pains and weird sensations going up my calves to my knee. 'Electric' shock pain, like jolts and the sensation...
  6. B

    Ibs worsen . HELP.

    My irritable bowel syndrom worsen than i thought. I just found taking b complex suplemen make my diarhea aggregate so fast. I can have diarhea more than 3 time a day. If i take multivitamin i have diahrea too but not as much as b100. I cannot remember the day that i dont have diahrea. I just...
  7. K

    Severe leg pain? Is this common

    I've not been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, my anxietys prevent me from going to the doctors and asking why I'm getting all this pain, I'm 50/50 with this to be fair, I do get an awful lot of the symptoms but not all. The biggest pain for me this past few months is really bad pain in my legs, it...
  8. A

    I am a newby..I believe I have fibromyalgia

    I have had symptoms for the past 2 years. The symptoms got worse after surgery for severe spinal stenosis. I have had severe pain in my thighs and lower leg......sorta like shin splints. I also have pain around my elbow ......like pulling a seat belt down is really painful in the elbow . I get...
  9. S

    Lyrica Effect?

    I was diagnosed with Fibro almost two years ago. I'm sad to say that so far I have only got a little relief from my pain meds like Norco. :(. I was on Gabapentin for maybe a year and it did not do a thing even with increasing the dose. Eventually I started getting migraines. Soon as I stopped...
  10. S

    could it be so?

    Tell me what you guys think, and let me know if what I have may be fibro, thanks! Also, please keep in mind that all symptoms have been reoccurring for at least 10 years, most symptoms happened everyday: 1. Sharp pain in my right shoulder blade (feels like there has been a knot in my shoulder...