
  1. A


    The past 11 days have been awful. I have trouble falling asleep so I've been taking melatonin pills. I keep waking up at night because I'm uncomfortable and achy and I wake up to feel like I've been beat up or hit by a car. It's extremely difficult to get out of bed and I've been crying every...
  2. M

    New to support forum diagnosed with fybro myalgia 2013

    Hello everyone. I was Diagnosed with Fybromyalgia in 2013. First becoming ill in 2010. This is my story....... Its been a long journey something that I am sure most Fybromyalgia sufferers share. I was a healthy late 40's female. I had always worked full time, a busy mother to 2 teenagers and a...
  3. A

    Soldier with Fibro

    Greetings everyone! I am a 24 year old (male) service member on my 5th year of Active Duty! Right now I am living in Japan. So over the past 3 years or so, signs and symptoms had increased to the point where I stopped writing them off as normal pain. About 2 years ago, while stationed in the...
  4. L

    Falling for Someone with FM

    I've recently met a woman that has FM and I'm falling for her pretty badly. We haven't actually 'gotten together' in any meaningful sense, so she doesn't actually know that I'm romantically inteterested, but the vibes between us suggest to me that it might be heading in that direction. On the...
  5. C

    New diagnosis

    Oh boy, yes it's time to complain, groan, moan, cry, rant and rave. To add to my fibromyalgia now I have m.s., I just don't know how much my body can take. Does anyone know pr can lead me in a good direction for the both of these illnesses ? I can just SCREAM! OMG!
  6. Lellobeetle

    How Fibromyailgia Has Affected Me

    I've already been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, after which I promptly pissed off my Rheumatologist by saying I thought nobody believed that to be a legitimate diagnosis. He said, "Well, I do." I've always had bad luck with doctors. They always say I have an unusual case. Nothing is ever easy...
  7. A


    I am posting this thread under Alternative Therapies, because I regard swimming as one of the best natural ways to combat any kind of pain or mental distress. For me it is one of the strongest "medicines" ever. Swimming on a daily basis gives me the ability to lead an almost normal life. The...
  8. A

    Hello everyone

    Hello, I am Ambrosia, and I suffered from chronic pain for nearly 22 years before I found a person who could treat my condition. I was abused as a child and sustained compounded injuries in my spine from being beaten on a daily basis. I developed excruciating back pain at a young age, which led...
  9. A

    Emotional Stress and Flare Ups

    Has anybody notice that any emotional upheaval may lead to a flare-up of symptoms? I just lost an evening part-time job. I should have seen the handwriting on the wall because there was less and less work over these past two months. However, suffering the emotional stress is the same even if...
  10. P

    I need a hug...

    Since being on this site, I have been replying to posts, trying to encourage others, and things like that. I did not want to come to this board so soon, but... I have HAD IT with pain! It has robbed me of so much time I will NEVER get back, so much LIFE I am not living! And by the way, the road...