
  1. H

    Newly Diagnosed - Don't know if I can deal with this level of pain!!!

    Hi I am newly diagnosed, and was told to go see "someone that specializes in Fibromyalgia". The medicine that they gave me has run out. I have no insurance and can not afford to pay out of pocket. Thanks for taking the time to read this and am hoping someone can provide me with information...
  2. N

    Finding something that works for me and wanted to share.

    I have been a lurker on Fibromyalgia forums for years but I am a pretty private person so I never joined the forums and online support groups because I didn't want people to feel sorry for me. I have finally had some success in treating my health issues and decided it was time to share. a...
  3. N

    Finding something that works for me and wanted to share.

    I have been a lurker on Fibromyalgia forums for years but I am a pretty private person so I never joined the forums and online support groups because I didn't want people to feel sorry for me. I have finally had some success in treating my health issues and decided it was time to share. a...
  4. C

    Fibromyalgia for 26 years?

    Hi all, I'm new to the group and wanted to introduce myself. I have such a long history I don't even know where to start, but I'll try to be brief and not ramble too much. I was finally officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia this year, but I have been enduring the symptoms since I was 17 and it...
  5. C

    Fibromyalgia for over 26 years?

    Hi all, I'm new to the group and wanted to introduce myself. I have such a long history I don't even know where to start, but I'll try to be brief and not ramble too much. I was finally officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia this year, but I have been enduring the symptoms since I was 17 and it...
  6. P

    Possibly Fibromyalgia, Anxiety, or something else?

    Hello, all: I've been dealing with a tingling (and occasionally burning) sensation on the left side of my body. It started almost two weeks ago when I had what I believe was a panic attack while driving home from work. I had to pull over into a parking lot and call a friend to come get me. My...
  7. B

    First Pain Clinic Visit(need advice)

    I was diagnosed with fibro in February 2015. I was also diagnosed with severe anxiety and a couple other things. I currently take Cymbalta 90mg, Flexeril 10mg, Mobic 15mg, and Ambian 10mg. Ambian does not in any way help me sleep. My panic attacks and constant body pain keep me awake no matter...
  8. R

    Taxing Opioids

    There is a bill being proposed; I don't know if it is House or Senate;that wants to tax all opioid use to set up a fund for addiction help for those on opioids. It is stated that this is a "fee" not a tax and insurance will pick up most of it. Those who have cancer or other life-threatening...
  9. T

    Sad State

    It is a sad state of affairs that in this country I can not find a doctor who will help me. My PCP is useless. I have called doctor after doctor only to be told no for one reason or another. One doctor takes my insurance but isn't taking on new patients. One doctor is taking on new patients...
  10. T

    Pain management doctor

    Ok, I live close to Springfield, Il. It is a town on 117,000 residents. I looked up fibromyalgia doctors in this area and found about 10. I called each of them and was told they were no longer working at that facility. I looked up pain management doctors and could find none. I called my...
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