
  1. I

    New Problem

    It has been such a long road for me. I first got diagnosed with fibro in September, 2011. I had all the classical symptoms of fibro. I have been getting treated for fibro since that time by a neurologist that I recently encountered a problem with. I last saw him in October of 2013. I take...
  2. S

    Fibromyalgia - a thief in the night

    Fibromyalgia has stolen my life. I have lost my ability to work, then my home and my car during bankruptcy and now my ability to live alone so I sleep in my sisters dining room. In addition to Fibro, I also have Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Extreme Hypothyroidism (thanks to the graves disease...
  3. L

    another new male member

    Hi all, As I stated in another post, I was diagnosed back in 1994 with fibro after tearing up my upper back muscles on the job. This caused my fibromyalgia which I learned to deal with untreated. Last May I had my bladder removed due to cancer and now even though I am "cancer free" I am in bad...
  4. A

    My Story, My Pain

    :pHello Fellow Fibro Members, Of course, obviously I am new... My story does not just center around the fibromyalgia, instead,,,, I deal with many other health concerns. In short, I suffer from multiple back problems including; (degenerative disc disease, bulging discs, arthritis, tears in...
  5. M

    Can anyone help with test results?

    I've been dealing with what I figured were symptoms of FM for months now, but just recently got insurance so I went to the doctor. Just got into the Rheumatologist on Tuesday and she diagnosed me with FM and ran some other tests to see what else was going on, if anything. The problem is, I got...
  6. M

    Pain med addiction

    So, I know this has been asked (dealt with) some many times on these forums... But the addiction to these pain meds (opiods) are driving me crazy! I can't get help through my insurance bc it's too expensive, I can't afford a detox facility, and I can't stop taking them. I just want to be ME...
  7. D

    Hello Everyone

    I am a long time suffer but only recently realized what was wrong.. Years of Doctors and anyone else I could see but the work Fibromyalgia never came up. I find out about it on my own just a few months ago. My current doctor says to watch my diet and explains my fatigue as basically being lazy...
  8. D

    Hi! My 1st forum post ever!

    This is the 1st time I've dared to join a forum. But I can't deal with this anymore by myself. I need help. Just someone to listen or talk too. Just someone to tell me it'll be ok or to quit griping & deal with it! Lol. My brain fog is bad today so I'll try & make as much sense as possible! Lol...
  9. bgregoire

    light sensitivity

    I am wondering if anyone has some advice on trying to help with eye pain related to light sensitivity. I suffer from pain all over but the pain in my eyes is what is the major reason I am unable to work. I can only go for a period of about 15-20 minutes of looking at my computer screen without...
  10. C

    It was the Narcolepsy!

    My Narcolepsy Story: I have been dealing with fibromyalgia symptoms for over a decade. Exhaustion, body pain, lack of energy and mostly miserable a lot of the time but.. I recently moved to California and now that my hubby has good insurance I went to see a rheumatologist who thought I had sleep...