
  1. A

    Providers keep suggesting I might have fibro

    Hello everyone, I am very glad to have found this forum. I have been dealing with chronic pain and other issues for approximately 9 months now, pursuing treatment and diagnosis for four months. I have a lot of stress-related health issues that I was seeking treatment for prior to the emergence...
  2. S

    What is your best med/treatment combination so far?

    I know different things work for different people but I'm interested to see what kind of answers this will receive! My girlfriend has fibromyalgia and is always a battle to see what will help more - I am always on the lookout for something that will make her feel better and she has really...
  3. S

    Greetings from a new member

    I was diagnosed two years ago, but the worst symptoms didn't hit until this past winter. I'm 62, so I assumed a lot of my aching joints/bones was arthritis, which I also have...runs in my family. I was tested at age 42 for rheumatoid arthritis, but was negative. I had an aunt who had crippling...
  4. A

    Extreme pain in hands & feet?

    Hello, I am relatively newly diagnosed with fibro (3 months ago). For me it seems like I've been struggling with the pain and degeneration for more than 6 years. My father's name for it is "the creeping crud." I wonder if others have the same trouble I do with the pain in your hands and feet...
  5. K

    How does your doctor treat your fibro pain

    My Rheum gave me one medicine which is basically a type of Ibuprofen. She also suggested physical therapy. That was the extend of things. I am wondering what else might be available to me?
  6. S

    Please help me!

    Hello everyone, Here's my background: 36, woman, 140 (lost 25lb since 11/12) I was diagnosed with psoriasis at 15. I started humira in 2007 to control the skin lesions. In 2011 my ex dislocated my shoulder and I had to discontinue humira while I had two surgeries in 5/12 and 10/12. A week...
  7. I

    so confused help please

    my problems started really showing up about 5 years ago. I felt as though I had the flu I ached and ran low fever. so I go to the doctor he checks me for lyme desease but it was negative he said he thought I was showing signs of Fibro. he is just a PCP but he gave me meds to try to help which...
  8. M

    Hurts to move, hurts to not move...

    Ugh today is a very bad day. I have pain in my shoulders, that's my primary source of pain and neck, elbows, knees, thighs, feet and wrist just that basic run over by a truck feeling except this time the truck ran over me and then decided to back up and run over me again.:mad: I called the...
  9. C

    Hello Everybody

    I guess I will start off saying that I am lactose intolerant, have IBS, have had my left ovary removed when I was 18, ganglion cycst removed from my left wrist, tonsils removed at age 25, hernia surgery in the exact spot that my ovary was removed, diagnosed with dry eye, have lipomas & have had...
  10. T

    Need to find a doctor

    I am really having a difficult time finding someone in my area that knows what the hell they are doing or specialize in fibro and cfs. The rheumatologist i went to that made my diagnosis was kind of rude and very impersonal and just shoved me off back to my primary doc for treatment. Well, now...