
  1. R

    medicaid issues and looking for alternatives or advice...

    I'm in the very beginning stages from being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I am still trying to figure out a lot of things and one of them is medicine. So far, medicaid will not pay for any of the meds my doctor would prefer to start me out with; Lyrica, Cymbalta, and Savella, have all been...
  2. G


    I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about 2 years ago after over 2 years of going back and forth to doctors. Once I was diagnosed, the doctor started me on Lyrica. It worked great for about 6 months and I managed to gain about 30 lbs. during that time. I'm on Cymbalta now, and it's helping, but I...
  3. Fishinabowl

    Feeling Low / Emotional

    Hello Everyone, I am new and my name is Fishinabowl. Call me Fishy for short. I am a caregiver of my boyfriend who has Fibro. Lately things are just getting me down so I am going to vent a little. Feel free to comment or not. My boyfriend was diagnosed in October of 2012 and I have been...