
  1. K

    new member (and newly diagnosed)

    Hello everyone! I was just diagnosed last month so I'm still in a whole new world here, but I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's stories and tips! Thanks for having me!
  2. A

    How are your kids doing with it?

    My kids sometimes complain that I don't want to go places or do certain things on my bad pain days. It makes me feel depressed and guilty, like I am a bad mother or something. How do your kids react to your fibro, and does it make you worse hearing the complaining from them?
  3. M

    Hi There! Newbie here!

    I am so happy that I found this forum. I've read a lot of the postings, and can relate to so much, including people not understanding that fibro is not in your head and your are not being lazy and trying to avoid things! Also, the LOOONNNNNNNG path to finally getting the right diagnosis...
  4. P

    I need a hug...

    Since being on this site, I have been replying to posts, trying to encourage others, and things like that. I did not want to come to this board so soon, but... I have HAD IT with pain! It has robbed me of so much time I will NEVER get back, so much LIFE I am not living! And by the way, the road...
  5. H

    Undiagnosed yet and curious

    Hello everybody :) I'm getting tests done currently but I thought I would write down my symptoms just to see if anyone is similar issues as myself..! Please excuse the poor punctuation and randomness as I was just making notes in my iPhone then decided to paste them into here..! My symptoms...
  6. N

    New Member with something to add....

    Hello everyone... Since I am very new to this (Forum and Support Group), I would just like to ask everyone to please be patient with me. lol I have been struggling with this horrible "illness" (or what ever everyone calls it, as I want to be as "politically correct" as I can be here, lol)...
  7. E

    What would you say?

    Normally when people I work with greet me in the mornings and ask how are you doing, I will just smile and say fine and I hope you are. Then there are those that I work with that I can call my friends and know what is going on with my health for the last several months who ask me the same thing...
  8. E

    The journey begins...not really...

    I say the journey begins, because I am just starting to understand what is possibly causing the the chronic pain and fatigue I have dealt with for the last 5 years. And what a journey it is with no end in sight... and I understand there is no end until the end. That sounded really...
  9. R

    So, these are my symptoms and want to see what you have to say

    I all I just found this site. I am 40 years old, and have pain in my mid back area which sometimes occurs during the day but mostly and almost exclusively when sleeping. Getting to sleep isn't usually a problem, but after roughly 5/6 hours, I am up and in really bad pain. The pain is on...
  10. D

    Hello from Vancouver, BC

    Hello, I am a lady from Vancouver, British Columbia. I am 60 years old and I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia when I was about 40 years old. I actually cannot quite remember the exact date. I would have long periods of being severely tired for about 3 weeks at a...