
  1. brsoucy

    Being Pregnant and having Fibro is Crazy

    This is my 2nd pregnancy and it seems my Fibromyalgia has gotten worse during this one. In my first pregnancy, it was mildly worse, but manageable. But with this 2nd one, wow, it is crazy. Growing a baby inside me zaps enough energy from me as it is, but with Fibro it is even more! I can't...
  2. J

    Fibromyalgia and Plexus Scam

    Hello Everyone, I am a true 20+ year fibromyalgia lady who has suffered in so many different health issues because of this hidden illness. I was on so many different medicines that I could not focus and being an accountant that was very hard. Thank God I had good employers. They understood my...
  3. vickythecat

    how to make cooking less of a torture

    Hi, I am vegan, so that means that I almost always have to prepare food at home. I also live on my own. Thankfully my sister helps me out quite often - especially with the whole cutting of fruits and veggies process, but when she is not around, I really have to gather all the energy I have, in...
  4. B

    So Much Pain

    I'm in so much pain today. It sucks because it's New Years Eve and I'm supposed to be happy. Not moping around the apartment laying down in the recliner nauseous because I'm in so much pain. We're supposed to be walking down by the Hudson to look at the fireworks tonight at midnight, and I'm...
  5. H

    Someone who understands

    Hi! I want to communicate with someone who understands fibromyalgia and chronic illness. I have all the diseases that go along with it or are related to it, such as interstitial cystitis. I have been chronically ill for about twenty years. While I have accepted my limitations, one thing I really...
  6. F

    New Member and Fighter of Fibromyalgia

    Hello everyone! I am a new member of this forum and a recently found out from my Neurologist that I have Fibromyalgia. Being 23 and hearing this news, on top of my other auto immune disorders is a little depressing. I was a very healthy, active, happy girl 5 years ago, before weird symptoms...
  7. EllaForgotten

    My personal Topamax story & pain.

    So, I was looking around the web for options to talk to my doctor(s) about with regards to fibromyalgia and ran across a link for Topamax. I was on Topamax over a year ago for neuropathy, and... it has just occurred to me that the pain began to get worse and worse AFTER I stopped taking it...
  8. Forgetmenot

    Being fat

    Well now I can't move so well,ive resized myself to being over weight. I can't lose it so I'm going to try to come to terms with it. Both me and my dad have a problem of never felling full for long.i don't eat,very much anymore but I feel hungry a lot , My dad is a hard worker but he simply...
  9. C

    28 and feeling a little hopeless...

    Hi! So, I posted in the newly diagnosed section but this seems to be the place to introduce ones-self, so here I go! I was just diagnosed on monday but have had a lifetime of pain in my 28 short years. I feel like a 90 year old inside and out. I was bullied all through school and never had...
  10. N

    TENS unit for pain adverse reaction??

    I bought a TENS unit a few days ago and have been using it daily. I went to the doctor yesterday they checked my BP and the left arm was 74/48 and the right was 98/54. I'm not sure of the bottom numbers so don't quote me. I've always had low blood pressure but not that low especially in the left...