
  1. Lana

    scared to tell my Doctor

    Hi Everyone, I have short and long term memory loss, dizziness, and mild headaches, due to what I think is Fibro symptoms. I want to tell my Doctor but I heard that now the government is encouraging Doctors to take peoples licenses away and they are getting paid if they do so. I am reluctant to...
  2. L

    Heat, humidity and headaches

    I am a walking human barometer. Another migraine tonight from air pressure change. Grrrr. So, no good sleep tonight which translates into more pain and fatigue tomorrow. Some days are just hard.
  3. F

    get checked for gluten intolerance

    I had all the symptoms: brain fog, tiredness, headaches, depression, joint pain, muscle pain and colitis (IBS) and was eventually diagnosed with FM. Then I found out that celiac disease has the same symptoms. I had a blood test but I passed it, however, I tried out a gluten free diet anyway and...
  4. A

    Extreme pain in hands & feet?

    Hello, I am relatively newly diagnosed with fibro (3 months ago). For me it seems like I've been struggling with the pain and degeneration for more than 6 years. My father's name for it is "the creeping crud." I wonder if others have the same trouble I do with the pain in your hands and feet...
  5. H

    Undiagnosed yet and curious

    Hello everybody :) I'm getting tests done currently but I thought I would write down my symptoms just to see if anyone is similar issues as myself..! Please excuse the poor punctuation and randomness as I was just making notes in my iPhone then decided to paste them into here..! My symptoms...
  6. S

    Please help me!

    Hello everyone, Here's my background: 36, woman, 140 (lost 25lb since 11/12) I was diagnosed with psoriasis at 15. I started humira in 2007 to control the skin lesions. In 2011 my ex dislocated my shoulder and I had to discontinue humira while I had two surgeries in 5/12 and 10/12. A week...
  7. B

    CFS or Fibromyalgia?

    Since coming here and being undiagnosed for so long, all the while thinking I for sure have fibro, I am starting to rethink things a little bit and could use your input. Are there some of you who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia who do NOT have the classic "tender pain points"? Are there...
  8. X

    New and concerned!? Help

    Hey there everyone. I'm Therese. I'm 21 years old. I'm new to this forum. Came for advice and maybe some answers about what has been going on with me that past couple months. I haven't yet gone to a rheumatologist to confirm FM, but my primary doctor seems to think that's what I have. All the...
  9. Trellum

    Feeling down

    Not feeling well at all the last weeks, been in a lot pain and kind of sad over a loss I suffered recently (I kinda talked about that several weeks ago- not directly since didn't feel like talking about that here). What makes me feel truly down right now is my awful health... my health has...
  10. T

    Multiple auto immune flare-up cycle

    Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a vicious cycle? I have mentioned in multiple posts that I suffer from various illnesses. I have Fybro, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, colitis, IBS, ongoing headaches that last weeks, migraines, insomnia, feet numbness and pain, and degenerative back and...