
  1. M

    Any advice would help please

    Idk where to start. June this year my left thigh went numb/tingly. Went to my toes. I was dehydrated and thought that's what this was due to. Spread to my arm next day. went to the doctors a few days later because it didn't stop, she put me on an anti depressant and told me to seek counseling. I...
  2. T

    Hello. Mid-thirties with fibro

    Hey everyone, I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Tom. I'm in my mid-thirties. I have been struggling for about four years with what I have since determined to be fibromyalgia. For me this manifests itself in pain throughout my back and neck, and also as tiredness and a lack of energy. It...
  3. J

    New diagnosed of Fibromyalgia

    Hello fellow fibromyalgia people, I am 27 and have recently been diagnosed. I have chronic headaches/migraines daily almog with muscle and joint pain. My body hurts so much all the time. I wake up with a headache and a super stiff body everyday. My dr has Me on 60mg of cymbalta a day. I also...
  4. M

    rash with fevers or sore throats for years?

    I get a bright red itchy hot raised rash every time im near strep or I get a fever for a few years now. It spreads but starts at neck and around mouth, goes to chest and this time its on my back and head. recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, diagnosed with CFS for years. All immune stuff...
  5. G

    New to Fibro

    Hello All! I was diagnosed about a month ago. I also have chronic Lyme Disease. Rheumy has started me on Neurontin. I am up to 400 mg a day at night time. I think it is starting to help. I am still achy but better. I am struggling now with horrible headaches...migraines maybe?!?! Of...
  6. J

    Any help would be greatly appreciated...

    My story begins about seven months ago. I woke up one morning with horrible dizziness, nausea, and headaches. I visited my PCP who initially thought I was having migraines and that this pain would go away. The pain didn't go away and so when I returned, he ordered a CT scan of my brain which...
  7. T

    Building symptoms for several years...and?

    My only medical diagnoses are "Pure O" OCD and Bipolar type 2 with associated depression -I've been depressed off and on since I was 13. I'm on lamictal and lexapro. I'm 27. I noticed my first weird symptom about 4 years ago. Floaters in my eyes and weird numbness and tingling in my...
  8. J


    I was diagnosed with fb in June of 2014. I have suffered with daily headaches and 2 to 3 migraines weekly for 14 years. I have had abodomen pain off and on for about 40 years thinking that its my appendix but it always went away. Couple of years ago I started having sinus allergies. I have had...
  9. F

    Does it get better-Been a long haul

    I am a 43 yo male who has been sick for about 5 years,my symptom range from headaches near the back of my skull it then runs down my neck[ some days my neck feels swollen these days my arms hurt badly} it radiates down my left arm with muscle spasms and cramps,my right arm it runs all the way...
  10. J

    Any help for the new girl....

    I couldn't wait anymore. I told the doctor all my symptoms / other past illnesses: constant body aches, tender areas around my head, neck, back and hips, major sleep disturbances since my teenage years. Chronic IBS since my teenage years. Tmj so bad it required surgery, tension headaches which...