
  1. E

    Well hello!

    I was recently diagnosed with fibro, They suspected it for a few years before they got to the bottom of it. Hoping to find some peace of mind, and friends who understand. Afterall, did anyone else take forever to get diagnosed because people kept telling them that they were just complaining and...
  2. Forgetmenot


    Hi everyone, well the Dr has put me on another anti depression pill called Mirazapine I take it at night with my amiptripoline, it only 15 mg. and caltelapram in the morning.he told me the amitripoline is for nerve pain. So I'm on 3 anti depressants. What I've found is I seem to have lost my...
  3. N

    I'm so bone tired and exhausted.

    I would like to say "hello" to all. I'm new here, and not sure how this all works I guess I'll catch on. I'm just so bone tired and exhausted most of the time. Pain comes and goes. Neck, shoulder, upper back, lumbar region. Brain fog. You name it. Even the slightest effort to walk or get up is...
  4. S


    I just wanted to say hi. It's 5:15 in the morning and I'm still awake. I've been crying because of pain number one and secondly my son calls me a hypochondriac and my other son is hateful and disrespectful to me. I was diagnosed a year and a half ago and I was so relieved that I could put a name...
  5. D

    abandoned by family

    Hi all, I'm new here. I've tried to handle this fibro alone. Ha. I raised four children. I was a wonderful mom. Room mother for all of them, girl scout leader, coach for numerous sports etc..I always had their backs no matter what. As most moms do I sacraficed a lot for them. Divorced in 2005...
  6. Forgetmenot


    Ahh the age old problem do we don't we. Well as we are a very open group of ppl ,I hatched a plan that worked. It's been weeks had family over x mas I was ill with flu , little one was sick and well fibro on top wiped me out. So tonight I'm sitting here in a lot of pain but I no the OH is...
  7. G

    Lyrica Problems

    I don't know if other people have problems with it.. I already have problems moving. But once I take this especially during the days then their is basically no point getting out of bed. I actually can't take it all if I plan on going out. Because It turns me into a zombie. I can't stand it.. It...
  8. S

    At a bit of a low ebb

    Hi there, and Happy New Year :/ This is my first time reaching out in a forum . . . And now that I've made the first couple of steps, I'm not really all that sure what to say. I'm struggling, I suppose. I hide everything about fm if I possibly can and go it 'solo'. I do have a very supportive...
  9. A

    Newly diagnosed

    I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I currently am working full time as a hairstylist. Im finding it hard to work, keep a social life, and be happy/excited about the holidays and seeing family. Its hard being in pain 24/7 and doing these things... Any advice?
  10. N

    Holiday Pain

    Happy Holidays! I love to have fun at social events, but with fibromyalgia it sucks.... Days of pain, inflammation, fribro fog, an just plain feeling like crap. My body feels like it's been run over by a truck, I know I have to suffer through an get back to no sweets, no social drinks and...