
  1. M

    Greetings Earthings!

    After nearly 20 years of having fibro, I figured I needed some fellow support. Since no one in my family knows what it's like, it's hard for them to understand, as you all well know. A little background. I have been married nearly 22 years and have three children - 20, 19, and 16. I'm also a...
  2. M

    fibro-mates finding good fibro doctors

    Hello fellow fibro-mates I live in a small town in Northern Ontario and was very fortunate to find a Doctor in the south of Ontario whose passion is fibromyalgia research. It was confirmed that yes I had fibro with 16 out of 18 trigger points. No wonder I hurt everywhere! Although this...
  3. G

    update/neuro appt

    Thank you all! I really appreciate your reply's. My nuero did mention Fibrobut also said that she (as I) felt it is more of an illness that is not a real thing in and of itself but more of a label for people that really do have REAL issue's that dont fit in any one box. Meaning that fibro is a...