
  1. M

    Cloths, Shampos, lotions, light sensativity, etc.

    There has to be those of us that have by trial and error have found some things to be better than others, as far as what works for you. I have the super dry skin problem, still looking into what that problem stems from, I "think" there is more going on other than Fibro, but, I have tried every...
  2. M

    Noise cancelling headphones

    I found a really good pair of noise cancelling headphones. One of the symptoms that has plauged me for yrs is noise overload. I finially ordered Bose 32 ii. This is the best thing that has happened to me in years. I finially thought I HAD TO DO SOMETHING BeFORE I loose my mind. Just in the...
  3. M

    Saying Hi

    Hi everyone Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm recently diagnosed (though suffered at least 3 yrs previously )43yr old Fibro mum who also has depression and anxiety and possible spondyloarthritis . Im a carer also for both my daughters with different diagnosis and my husband has aspergers...
  4. F

    I think I found the cause!

    Hi, so I was convinced I had leaky gut syndrome for the past month or so, probably due to celiac disease. It doesn't look like I have celiac, so I thought next that this has to be leaky gut. Now I got a book from the library about fibromyalgia, and I am watching a YouTube video on it and OMG...
  5. S

    Diagnosed in 15 and had years of low pain until now, does this sound like fibro?

    I am 25 years old (male) back in 2013-2014 I started having really bad calf and arm pin and had blood tests and a mri done along with a test where they shocked my muscles in my legs, sorry I can’t remember what that was called lol. Everything came back fine except that test where they shocked...
  6. iluvbreyers2018

    Was down for a bit today?

    I was not able to get to the website earlier today.. Thank goodness it came back, don't need another stress! ;)
  7. vickythecat

    Remarks from doctors - that hurt real bad

    Hi, After many years of living as a recluse, I finally started going to doctors and getting referrals to see specialists. From the 1st doctor I went to; while in a full blast panic attack, these are the remarks she made; - "you should start working" (yeah because I finished an ivy league...
  8. S

    dietary measures

    I was wondering if any of you found a reduction in symptoms with different dietary approaches. I read the gluten post and that interests me. My problem is my food choices are often limited by my income, I reliy on food pantries, mobile and otherwise, and my friend gave me a bunch of food and...
  9. L

    Fibro - life sentence

    Okay so today is not a good day as the title suggests :sad: I’m feeling really down & a bit defeated. I was at a physio class yesterday to try & build up the muscles in my legs & help with the osteoarthritis, only thing is my fibro body is not really on board! I got a turbo trainer for my bike...
  10. Forgetmenot


    First post back hehe.been away forever.well 7months. Ladys.does anyone find your periods are messed up with fibromyalgia. I seem to have constant period pain.and it’s driving me nuts, I have the coil.and it’s been great,but this time round I still get a period which is fine.but I never get rid...