
  1. S

    Bad day following the good

    Does anyone else experience this? Yesterday afternoon, I had almost no pain in my arms, legs completely pain free, no headache/fog, a good amount of energy. I didn't overdue it, but I did get the basic cleaning done with a little extra. Today I wake up just the opposite--head pounding...
  2. U

    Fibromyalgia Feeling Like Arthritis?

    Hey everyone, After five long years of trying to get doctors to take me seriously, lots of blood tests to rule out other possibilities, and visits to a good rheumatologist (finally!), I've officially been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I do have what seems to be the "normal" fibro...
  3. Feien

    Diagnosed today

    I expected it, so I wasn't exactly shocked, but my doctor officially diagnosed me with fibromyalgia today. Part of me is so relieved because I finally have an answer... I've been struggling for so long, and I just thought I was too sensitive, too out of shape, too lazy, etc. When really, the...
  4. T


    Hi, I'm a new member and so glad I found you. my therapist suggested I try to find a support group. Along with the constant pain...I've apparently been in a flair up since being diagnosed..I experience "hitting the wall" fatigue. The first step was to do a sleep study and they found my oxygen...
  5. W

    People Who Just Don't Get It

    I've been dealing with torrential rains, at least one tornado warning that I was unaware of, since I lost internet, phone and TV for 3 days. Thankfully the power only went out for a short period before being restored. In the midst of that, I ended up in the Emergency Room. My stomach was...
  6. P

    New here and newly diagnosed.

    Just wanted to say hello to everyone here and to say that I am glad I found this forum. I was recently diagnosed earlier this month. However, I have experience with this condition my mother also had it during her life. I was her care attendant for years and saw what the condition did to her...
  7. Forgetmenot

    3am club

    So I'm on gabepentin .yes I saw a post on it but it was so long it's shut down now lol . He upped me 3days ago and here I am body killing me burning sore skin and a chesty cough that I believe I have dew to this drug. It was great for the first few it does nothing at all. I'm so fed up...
  8. F

    PhD student/instructor at the end of the semester, so... crazy?

    Hi, everyone- new here (but not new to fibro) and looking for community. I'm in my mid-30s and in the last few weeks of my seventh straight year of college- I went back in 2009 to complete a BA, then turned around and went into an MA program after graduation, THEN turned around and started a PhD...
  9. P

    Car accident need advice

    Hello everyone, I have had fibromyalgia since 1996. I am the mom of seven children and began having some symtoms in 1986 after the birth of my son but wasn't diagnosed til 96. I get horrible chronic migraines also and have a hard time sleeping. On 3/25 I was in a car accident. I was rear...
  10. W

    Idk what to do.

    Hi I'm not sure how to start but I need to find out answers to questions I have about fibromyalgia. Here is some backround information about my wife and I. We are both in in our early 30s and we are highschool sweethearts. We have been together for 14 years, married for 8 of the 14 (no breaks or...