
  1. Forgetmenot

    Being fat

    Well now I can't move so well,ive resized myself to being over weight. I can't lose it so I'm going to try to come to terms with it. Both me and my dad have a problem of never felling full for long.i don't eat,very much anymore but I feel hungry a lot , My dad is a hard worker but he simply...
  2. M


    Started using my Gazzelle, it's low impact. I hit Rock bottom, I really think I got so down, I just kinda gave up, exepting, these thoughts : I am menopause I'm not as young as I use to be. look around you, there's lots of heavy women out there, your not alone! Or, well after all, I do have...
  3. J

    Fibro or MS ???

    Hello! I am brand new here and have been dealing with so many issues over the past few years. A little about me: I am almost 50, dx Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Diabetes T2, Degenerative Disc disease, DOuble sided sciatica, arthritis, and as of Wednesday my Rheumotologist said I have either MS or...
  4. P

    Help I've upset my wife (who has Fibro) - URGENT!

    Looking for an insight from those of you suffer with this.... I didnt mean to but I do find it difficult sometimes. Im sure you're all aware of this no-one can see how bad you are. No excuses but I've been working long hours this week and am really tired. Stupidly I made a comment that it was...
  5. C

    New member

    Hello, I'm just looking for a good support group! People that understand what I'm going through! Feeling ALONE!! Thanks
  6. I

    My Body has a Broken Furnace

    I am not particularly fond of this moment in time, but I am desperate to know if anyone has found any solutions to this problem. I overheat CONSTANTLY and have the worst time cooling down. Takes me forever. I drip sweat and despite the air conditioning, I often need a fan blowing directly at...
  7. M


    Has anyone else installed air conditioning? I'm useless. I can go outside Untell about 11:00 am, then I have to come inside or I get sick. I'd love to know of a good one, for a reasonable price. Thanks guys.
  8. V

    Gabapentin and weight issues

    I've been on gabapentin since June, currently taking 600mg/day. It's (mostly) managing my pain (on good days I have virtually no pain), which makes me happy. But right after I started taking it, I gained almost 10 pounds, and I can't seem to break through the plateau I'm at right now to go back...
  9. T

    Feeling Positive

    I went to the doctors monday with my dad, with him there she actually seemed to listen to me. She actually had the cheek to question why i havent told her ive been feeling this way. I was just like yes i have. Plus my doctors got a letter over a month ago from my therapist to add to my file...
  10. A

    just joined!

    My name is Christa , I was diagnosed aprx 10 yrs ago. Have tried lots of therapies no great improvements. I seem to be able to take each day as it comes,there have been ok and bad days lol. Glad to meet everybody! I also have arthritis and take methotrexate injection once a week and 5mg of...