
  1. D

    I'm a Mom

    I'm a mom and my kids were 2 & 4 when I got sick: Now they are 10 & 12. They do not know the "real" me. They don't remember how I was. I had to stop carrying my two year old around back then and that is hard for a baby girl. I could no longer hold her. I am sad that the mom they got is...
  2. WarriorPrincess12

    Newly Diagnosed

    Hi all: I am a newbie to the world of online support groups but unfortunately not unaccustomed to having pain and health issues since my early 20's. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune related disease in my mid twenties. Months ago I began experiencing chronic pain, and tenderness all over my...
  3. S

    Flour linked to pain?

    I did an experiment this week, after my acupunctureist told me to try it. I cut all grains out of my diet this entire week (I also do not eat corn, wheat, dairy, and soy due to allergies and intolerances.) I've been going through Cymbalta withdrawal this week too (been struggling with nasty...
  4. trayne91

    New here

    Hi everyone. New to the group. Hoping to learn from the more experienced. I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease last May after about 8 years of symptoms. After going gluten free, many side effects subsided, but many did not or only improved, but did not get completely better. I ended up in...
  5. S

    Car accident and fibromyalgia

    Hi, this might be a little long but i was hoping to get some opinions from those who have been through the diagnosis of fibro. A little medical background: I have always been an active, healthy person and grew up going to the gym with my family. In college, I am 24 and married now, I was...
  6. MizzDeeDee

    Gluten free?

    This has been suggested a few times on this forum, and I've heard it from outside sources as well. I would really like some information on being gluten free. First, how hard is it to go gluten free? Did it take a lot of effort? Is it a complete lifestyle change? How hard is it to be gluten...
  7. M

    Weird Pain

    Hello, I am looking for advice or ideas. First of all - family history - My Grandmother died of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Remember - there was no treatment and she was told to jut lay in bed all of the time. Things are better now. But this is a immune system problem. My Mother has to take an...
  8. E

    "Comorbid" conditions

    What, if any, are other conditions you are dealing with along with fibro and the ages they started? I wonder if come up with a pattern. Mine are: Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, age 12 Vitiligo, age 14 Uterine fibroids, age 39 GERD, age 38 I also suspect early celiac or gluten sensitivity since...
  9. E

    Gluten Free?

    Has anyone tried a gluten free diet? Since gluten is known to cause inflammation in more people than once thought, I tried cutting out gluten a few yrs ago. I did feel better but didn't stick with it. I started gluten free again a week ago and so far I don't really notice a difference in how I...
  10. G

    rapid weight gain

    I do not get very depressed until recently and I need urgent advice. Was a size 12 in 2011 and now I am a size 16 and not losing weight no matter what. I am very weight concious, a diet and exercise freak for almost all my life. Doctors and nutrientians confirm that I am doing all the right...