
  1. M

    Hi from Montreal, Canada

    Hello all! I figured that after all this time spent searching stupid websites and "news articles" written by non-FM people, it was time I started talking to the source. I'm a relatively new diagnosis of FM, having started my journey in January 2009 with routine blood work for joint pain. My...
  2. birdwatcher

    Newbie in Virginia

    Hi my name is Ruth. I was diagnosed over 13 fun filled years ago. I'm sure my symptoms are very similar to most of yours. Now on top of Fibro/Chronic Fatigue I've recently been diagnosed with low blood sugar. As all if that isn't enough I have also aquired asthma this summer! :shock: Life...
  3. J

    Out of "Remission"...

    So, I'm new here, but I'm not new to Fibro. I was diagnosed in October of 2007 while living in NYC. It was brutal. Just so much pain and no answers on how to fix it. The fibro makes me so sensitive to medications I couldn't take anything but AdvilPM and Tramadol - and even that was hit or miss...
  4. G

    gwen luenberger

    :wink::wink:I just joined the group tonight. I just wanted to say hello to all. The group sounds fun. hope to post more later
  5. S

    Hello from Southern Illinos!

    Hello all! I found this site looking for some advice about my fibro before taking a long road trip next week. I was diagnosed in 2009 when I was 29 years old shortly after having my second child. I had been decorating my christmas tree and for a week afterwards, my entire body hurt. I realized...
  6. S


    Hello Everyone! I am new to the forum and recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I joined this forum to be able to learn a little more about it and see if others have the same symptoms, problems and complaints as myself. It has been a long road to diagnosis and I have dealt with pain for years...
  7. L

    the joy of cooking

    Does anyone really enjoy making homemade meals? I do not have the energy to do it all the time. But sometimes I love getting out the recipe books and pretending to be a chef. It is fun to create a great meal. Does anyone else love to cook?
  8. L

    music lovers

    Does anyone have a favorite song or band that they listen to for relaxation? Sometimes it does not even have to be a melody. It can be just a fun song. Anyone remember Hotel California by the Eagles. I have rediscovered this song and have been playing it alot. It just makes me happy for some reason.
  9. S


    So last year, which I'm thinking is really when this all started, I didn't do any gardening at all. Two years prior I had panted dwarf plumbago and it had taken over and it was beautiful. It all died out over this past winter, however, as despite being above freezing we're also already in Stage...
  10. L

    Easter candy disappearing

    Ok just for fun thought I would ask this question. When you put your kids or grandkids Easter baskets together. How much candy goes in the basket and how much do you end up eating yourself? I am guilty of helping myself to the kids candy while preparing baskets. I don't even realize it at...