
  1. yoyowa

    It's Never Lupus - my ongoing, annoying, confusing story

    Hello all! I'm new to the thread and thought I'd introduce myself, vent and discuss because frankly I'm so annoyed I just want to scream. So bear with me. I've always felt a bit off medically. I was born with toxoplasmosis originally but got a then new, experimental treatment which 'cured' me...
  2. S

    Pain normal or should I worry

    New here. I was diagnosed in 6/2012 & started of Effexor XR 75 mg that worked for 3 months & then lost all effect. Was then put on Cymbalta 30 mg with amazing results. I still had pain but it was very mild. About 4 weeks ago I started having localized pain for 3 to 5 days at a time which I would...
  3. M

    Feeling helpless dr after dr tells me there is nothing wrong.

    I have been suffering from chronic tiredness, muscle aches, brain fog and recently, due to the ongoing nature of my health, depression. I had Glandular fever about 5 years ago. which is the closest understanding of what I am feeling now however my 6 months of glandular fever is nothing compared...
  4. S

    Canadians - hello!

    Hello! I'm new to the forum and as much as I love Americans and every one out there, wanted to start a thread for Canadians, as I live in a fairly remote area in Ontario and am hoping to reach out to my fellow countrymen (or in this case I'm sure mostly women!) I've recently been diagnosed with...
  5. T


    Hi, a very close friend of mine was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in March this past year. I've been doing quite a bit of research on it and i found that most people with this disease are missing certain vitamins and minerals. I also dont really believe in western medicine so i started looking at...
  6. T


    I have a friend who has fibro, i only know that she experienced pain. Now i know there is more to it than pain. I was diagnosed officially in the month of July 2014. I experiencing other symptoms for some time without knowing what was really going on. It explains a lot of the symptoms.
  7. Trellum

    Scared about Ebola in the US

    Hi guys! As many of you might or might not know I'm a Texan, I'm currently residing in El paso, Texas. If you have been watching or reading the new online... you might be well aware that Ebola has already made it here. Yup, an liberian man in Dallas was the first diagnosed case of Ebola in...
  8. M

    Can't Stop Crying

    I was diagnosed about 3 weeks ago, Dr prescribed Cymbalta (spelling?) and it seemed to give some relieve, but then my eyesight started to blur so prescribing doctor told me to stop taking. I had just had my post op for cataract surgery and tested 20/20 in both eyes so the blurry eyes was awful...
  9. Justmesuzi

    Hello to one and all

    My name is Suzi and I started my journey back in 2001 with diagnoses of rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren’s disease and Epstein–Barr. By 2006 I received additional diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, Lupus and Chronic Fatigue, degenerating disc, connective tissue and bone disease. In 2008 diagnosed with MS...
  10. W

    What to do

    Hi my name is Tiffany. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia back in January of this year 2014. It all start with a slip and fall on ice. I have been off work since. I have also been fighting with my long term disability work insurance since May. I have lost my phone, credit cards savings and about...