
  1. S

    Possible Fibromyalgia...What do you think?

    I'm 28, live in a small town in Arkansas, and I have been experiencing wide spread pain for at least 2 months now. I can't sleep because I'm hurting and I'm tired because I can't sleep. I have had some family members and friends with fibromyalgia say I could possibly have it. I went to the...
  2. trayne91

    Invasion of the thumb snatcher

    What the heck is going on with me lately? For the last 5 days, my thumb has had a mind of its own. I have experienced some arm cramping here and there, too. But the tendon, muscle, ligament, or whatever it is in my hand/wrist/arm is pulling hard on the inside and making my thumb move inward...
  3. J

    Thinking I May Have Fibromyalgia... Curious About Others' Experiences/Symptoms ...?

    After doing some research today, I think I may have fibromyalgia. I had thought it was just a pain disorder 'till I overheard something on Dr. Oz about chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. I've been diagnosed with Major Depression Recurrent, Insomnia, Panic Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety...
  4. S

    Can you tell the difference?

    Can you tell the difference between having the flu and having fibro pain mixed with IBS symptoms? I'm not entirely sure if I have the flu, but my body is certainly acting like it this morning. Then again, I've only had the flu once in my life, so maybe I don't have a good understanding of what...
  5. Lana

    Flu and colds

    Hi everyone, I have noticed when ever I catch something I am always sicker and stay sicker then anyone else in my family. Does this happen to anyone else here
  6. A

    Tired ALL the time, fibro?

    I have had fatigue off and on for 2-3 years and I occasionally have pain in my joints and feel flu like. Lately, I feel this way more often than not. I have had my thyroid checked several times lately because I have several of the typical hypo symptoms such as constipation, weight gain...
  7. B

    CFS or Fibromyalgia?

    Since coming here and being undiagnosed for so long, all the while thinking I for sure have fibro, I am starting to rethink things a little bit and could use your input. Are there some of you who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia who do NOT have the classic "tender pain points"? Are there...
  8. B

    Diagnosed in March

    Hi everyone, In some ways I think I am one of the fortunate fibromyalgia sufferers in that I knew almost immediately what I had as my mother had it too. In March I had an event that lasted several days when I had slamming fatigue, flu symptoms, nausea. I expected to get better but I didn't. The...
  9. I

    so confused help please

    my problems started really showing up about 5 years ago. I felt as though I had the flu I ached and ran low fever. so I go to the doctor he checks me for lyme desease but it was negative he said he thought I was showing signs of Fibro. he is just a PCP but he gave me meds to try to help which...
  10. J

    Just Diagnosed With Fibromyalgia

    Hey everyone, I'm new to this group, I was just diagnosed with Fibromyalgia yesterday. I guess I kind of got lucky that it didn't take too long to diagnose because I'd already had a ton of blood tests, scans and specialist visits for fatigue and GI problems that started a year ago (which ended...