Hello all! I have been being aggressively treated for Rheumatoid Arthritis for two yrs. All treatments helped my all over joint and muscle pain at all. To shorten the story, I went to a new Rheumatologist because my own had retired. After going over my case and doing a physical exam, she told me...
Hi! I have been doing all natural with fiber- supplements, and major diet changes.. no gluten, little grains, no sugar, caffeine etc... It took a year, but finally was feeling amazing. My mind was clear, I had lots of energy, walking 20-30 miles a week, but then the holidays hit.... I hit a wall...
I have periods of time where I have no pain. But then I have periods of time where it hurts to touch parts of my body. Like it feels like my bones hurt. I also get very tired. I went to a rheumatologist and at the time was not having flare up symptoms. She checked the pressure point areas and...
Hi everybody,
It's been a while since I posted here. I think I was trying to live as normally as possible knowing that I had Fibro.
I was diagnosed in October 2014 and gave my diagnosis letter to my boss who was fully understanding as she had a family member with fibro but her case was worse...
I have always suspected I may have fibromyalgia but in a mild form, never been diagnosed yet. I also have hashimotos but levels are controlled by Armour Thyroid. Anyway this last month I went off birth control and had some severe worry and stress I've had these pains that have moved around my...
I was wondering if anyone else was diagnosed with Fibro and also autoimmune diseases. I recently had surgery for a esophageal alacasia which is a very rare auto immune disease. And for most of my adult life (I'm 53) I have lived with degenerative bone, disc, and joint disease. Most of my life...
Hi! I am Rasz and as I sit here tonight with a flare up, I realized I needed a place to go where others would understand and I can share my pain as well as victories. I have lived with Fibro since back in the day when it was a brand new "catch all" phrase for any aches and pains the doctors...
No one in my family gets it. I'm the only woman in a family of men, so it's up to me to make the holidays happen. I spent the first part of the week shopping, spent two days cooking, by Thanksgiving night I was absolutely exhausted. Now I'm hurting all over. My IBS is going wild. I feel like...
Hi. I'm experiencing a flare that has lasted several weeks. I've cut back my activity level, & being more strict about pacing. But even when I'm sitting, I'm working on projects, e.g. online Christmas shopping, family history research, editing, etc.
If I blocked off an entire day of bed rest...
Hello! I am Jess, I am 24. I have even married to my amazing husband for 7 years we have 2 beautiful children a 5 year old daughter and a 2 year old son. I have been in pain for a long time, since I was about 10 everything has always hurt. I hav been diagnosed with POTS (postural orthistatic...
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