
  1. Tipnatee N

    When other fibromyalgia person being rude to others, Do to fibromyalgia?

    A close friend of mine experienced rudenessly push and shoved out of the way in the water aerobics class by another lady who yelled " move away you are in my spot!!" That push hurt her quite a bit cause she have very bad knee problem with arthritis ( luckily it was in the water so the knee...
  2. Tipnatee N

    Magnesium and diarrhea

    Ok , most people might say because I have fibromyalgia I might have magnesium deficiency. I have been eating lots of green and healthy food for years, so I tried some magnesium supplement last night. It was 500mg and I thought I was going to shoot my self to the moon. It was so bad I had to...
  3. P


    Hello I am new
  4. L

    Not convinced I have fibromyalgia

    Hi All, 41 year old, otherwise healthy Mom of 2. I noticed in February that my energy was really low. I also noticed that walking from my car to the office (3 minute walk) was hard as my arms and legs felt like lead. I am a runner and running is such a challenge because of the muscle aches...
  5. M

    No shame here/Dr. App, eyesight.

    I am starting to be open with people about fibromyalgia. My last eye appointment When being asked about why I had high blood pressure, I told her "I have fibromyalgia, I wont bug you with details, not many people understand. Her reaction took me by surprise. She said "my Mum has fibromyalgia...
  6. S

    Just saying hi

    Hi everyone! My name is Jess, I'm from Australia. Am new to the forum and kind of new to fibromyalgia. I have had symptoms for years but the Drs aren't sure if it is fibro or autoimmunity yet - more waiting and tests over time to be done. Does anyone here ever feel like they are making their...
  7. S

    Just saying hi

    Hi everyone! My name is Jess, I'm from Australia. Am new to the forum and kind of new to fibromyalgia. I have had symptoms for years but the Drs aren't sure if it is fibro or autoimmunity yet - more waiting and tests over time to be done. Does anyone here ever feel like they are making their...
  8. H

    I need help/support

    Hi all I am new here. I am 23 years old and have lived with pain and exhaustion for as long as I can remember I suppose it became more noticeable in my late teens. I am currently in the process of being diagnosed with fibromyalgia and potentially endometriosis. As well as this I am also...
  9. Tipnatee N

    Aspirins bath

    My most best relaxation discovery I've found for me who's living with main symptoms of fibromyalgia and panic disorder ( and all the other symptoms) thank to lots of home relaxation treatment on YouTube research while I was bored cause I couldn't move much for many days do to pains. Basically...
  10. H

    Prednisone and Enbrel

    Hi! Wishing everyone comfort and Happy Mother's Day to the mother's! Here's my question: I'm pretty sure my doctors are right that I have fibromyalgia based on my symptoms, except two things still puzzle me. Does anyone else get better on prednisone? This has happened several times for me over...