
  1. S

    scared of my future with fibro!

    Okay, so i am 19 and have had fibro for almost 5 years. Its been really severe and even mild sometimes. But it really effects me and my ability to do normal everyday things. Juggling a job, a full course load in uni and outside activities is a lot for anyone but even more so for me. My entire...
  2. K

    Any new Pain treatments out there?

    Hi everyone, Sorry for the longish post, but sometimes it's needed, right? I've been taking narcotic pain meds since early 2001. They've been the only thing that controls pain. Over the years I've tried numerous alternatives, but nothing has been effective. Acupuncture was a joke, I...
  3. vickythecat

    Video: Basic Yoga Moves for Fibromyalgia

    I had been practicing yoga for many years before fibro and frozen shoulder took that away from me. But the basic moves of yoga have always been with me, wherever I am (at home, at work, in the car/bus etc.) This video seems to explain those basic moves in detail. They really help with pain and...
  4. Q

    How to work?

    I have fibromyalgia along with chronic migraines. this makes trying to work pretty frusterating, i dropped out of highschool because the severity of my symptoms and going undiagnosed. i have no idea how to get a less physically demanding job. i work at a royal farms (regional convient...
  5. vickythecat

    disability, benefits and feeling guilty

    Hi, I am not entitled to disability or any benefits in the country I currently live in, as fibromyalgia, CFS, nerve damage or my lifelong mental health issues (BPD, major depression, social anxiety, PTSD) are not considered 'enough' to be entitled. Sad, really really sad. I am very lucky that I...
  6. S

    19 with fibro and cfs...

    I am 19, and have had fibromyalgia for about 5 years now... When i was first diagnosed, it was extreme and they thought that i had lupus or arthritis, I was missing tons of school because there were days that i could barely walk. The past couple years have been less severe, but its still with...
  7. Sagey

    Fibromyalgia blood test and vaccine development

    Hi, I was just searching the web and came upon info on a company named Epigenetics.They have developed a blood test for Fibromyalgia and according to them it is 93 percent effective. I looked up the news on this company and it seems the are doing a lot of clinical trials and trying to make...
  8. Tipnatee N

    The neurobiology of stress-resistant brain & Learned helplessness

    These 2 article caught my attention which I found after I starting to suffer from Drowsiness anxiety. It's the symptom that after I felt intensive anger coming from my self then I get extremely sleepy and have to quickly go lay down to sleep for at least a few hours or more. ( no fight for me in...
  9. I

    Need some advice

    I am a bit lost and feel totally lazy and guilty right now. I would like some advice if possible. I am a male in my mid 30s and i have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 9 years ago, and addison disease about 7 years ago. I did well for the first 3 years with addison. I was working full...
  10. Tipnatee N

    Feeling twice older than my age

    Why does fibromyalgia make me feel so old? I mean not just in the physical sense but more like mentally sense. I want to stay young since I'm pushing 40, but I can't get excited with anything politics anymore , I feels tired and annoyed watching people go on and about every thing so negatively...