fibro fog

  1. J

    New - frustrated and depressed

    Hey everyone, I just found this site after searching for some information on fibromyalgia. My name is Jessica, I live in IL, I'm 30 married with 5 year old twins. I was diagnosed with fibro last year after lots of blood tests, scans and other tests. I also have Hashimoto's, migraines, Vitamin D...
  2. J

    Fibro fog

    Hi everyone. Hope your day is going well. I was wondering what level of fibro fog you go through? I am lately seeing that I have to write a lot down and set many reminders to make it through my day. What are your experiences?
  3. S

    I thought I had a thyroid problem....

    Hi Everyone, This is my first post, and proofreading it I see I've been a bit long winded. Even so I hope some of you will read it and feel a connection. I'm looking forward myself to delving into this site for fellowship and ideas and help dealing with this disease. I'm "SandySea" from...
  4. B

    Ear Issues with Fibro

    Hi, I have had Fibro for about 20 years. I woke up one morning and my ears were really ringing and I couldn't hear good. I was finally sent to an ENT who said there was water in my inner ear. The ENT put tubes in but they wouldn't stay so after 4 sets of tubes he inserted permanent tubes...
  5. D

    new and frustrated

    Hello. I'm new here. I guess I'll start by saying I'm 30 but I feel 80 most of the time. I've had pain for years but over the last year it got progressively worse. My family and friends call me a hypochondriac because I always have something Wrong. For years I fought with myself thinking its all...
  6. B


    Hello everyone, I am new here, I have never joined a forum before but I really need support from people who know what I'm dealing with so I thought I'd give it a shot. I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and it been pretty difficult to adjust to life, with all of the medication I'm...
  7. J

    Cognition Problems

    Has anyone had any cognitive testing? I did on Monday and found out I scored way below average on memory, memory recall, logic, math,reaction time etc. I knew I had problems but blamed them on fibro fog. I used to be smart but now I am really having trouble at work; I used to be able to...
  8. R

    Fibromyalgia and my Wife

    Hello, I'm new to this board. I thought it would be good to share my story. My wife and I were married in 1989. We've had a beautiful life together raising our daughter. Then there was a day back in December 2009 that my wife began to experience pain. She visited the doctor in June 2010...
  9. P

    fibro fog

    Hi everyone, just wanted to know about fibro fog. I had been having problems with remembering things and finding the right words to use. It's like my mind goes blank on the word and a while later I remember what it is. Does anyone else have this problem? It feels like I am already getting dementia.
  10. M


    Hi my name is Michelle Brown I am new to this forum. I myself have been dealing with fibromyalgia many years. Till recently I was introduced to a product that has changed my life. It is a product line called Kyani. When my friend invited me to a presentation for this product i was must admit i...