
  1. K

    Pain worse since ?

    I have been in some pretty nasty pain since the weather changed. It really is an all over pain, it feels like I have been in a car accident. My feet are starting to hurt again, my toes feel like they are swollen and they hurt really bad. Sometimes it is almost like they are on fire and nothing...
  2. MizzDeeDee

    Vent about new pain :(

    I'm having some real neurological problems. It first started sometime ago with me taking a nap with my daughter and waking up to my knees being numb. Then it was my knees being numb, and my left thigh numb. This is in addition to my normal aches and pains. Last night, I was in so much pain that...
  3. S

    Fibro symptoms

    Hello I am new to this group and so happy I found it. I am currently on a waiting list to see a Fibromyalgia specialist, so I have not been diagnosed yet but several doctors think I have it, so I am going to share my situation with you and see what you all think. Sorry if this is long but it...
  4. C

    In The Process

    I have been feeling that I have Fibro for a while now. I have recently gotten insurance and started seeing a family doctor. She done a huge blood work up on my a few weeks ago and everything was really good except I was like 2 points low on my Vitamin D and my liver panel was a bit off...
  5. twiztc

    I occasionally write poems- one I wrote a few days ago

    My friend and Me They say "how's Tracy?" I say "i'm still here Trying to show that my pain isn't clear So I sat "how's you then, the kids, how's the wife?" Anything so I, talk not of my life Still faking a smile and pulling a grin All I need is putting in the bin get towed away on the back of...
  6. V


    I've seen a lot of specialists... and have been in sever pain for months now. No one can give me an answer. My mom, my grandmother, and my cousin all have fibromyalgia and they strongly think I do. I'll try to explain; all my joins (etc, fingers, wrists, elbows, back of my neck, in the little...
  7. F

    cold front=horrible foot pain

    Oh my gosh! This latest cold front that has come through has given me the worst foot pain! Just getting out to do a simple errand (which of course involves some walking) lands me in the bed with stabbing feet pain. Anybody else having trouble with the cold weather? Of course, I have pain...
  8. S

    History of trouble... possibly leading to fibro?

    Hi everyone! I need help figuring this out, so I'm going to give you A LOT of details. Feel free to skim everything in order to read what's most helpful to you. The only diagnosis I have at this point in time are chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis (type is unknown, but ruled out rheumatoid...
  9. R

    First post, Male, age 49 needs advice

    Well, it has been almost two years, I have gone from being muscular, full of energy, working fulltime, to being reduced to a parasite. I had to quit my job, I am very, very tired and my feet, ankles, knees, hips, middle of my back, and sometimes my neck hurts. I turn 50 in a few weeks. Since age...
  10. C

    Diagnosed 2 yrs ago but didn't believe it until now!

    Hi all, I was diagnosed 2 yrs ago with Fibro but I didn't really believe that was what I had until now. this last couple of weeks has been hell! It started with a messed up knee. Saw the doc for that, had MRI and revisit him on Monday. Since then I have had a horrible pain in my hip also and...