
  1. B

    Lol, fibro is emotionally insane sometimes

    I joined this forum today, everybody here seems really supportive. To be honest though, at first reading things here depressed me more. Everybody struggles with it so much and it makes every part of life so hard and it's not fair to any of us. Especially being 20 years old and having failed out...
  2. B

    Coping with chronic fatigue/brain fog

    Sorry if this is a duplicate post, I'm on my phone and wasn't sure where to put it and can't tell if my first posted :shock: I'm 20 years old and was diagnosed with fibro when I was 12 after a period of intense headaches and fatigue and missing a year of school. Ive had a year or so at a time...
  3. B

    Coping with the chronic fatigue/brain fog of fibro

    I'm 20 years old and was diagnosed with fibro when I was 12 after a period of intense headaches and fatigue and missing a year of school. Ive had a year or so at a time since then where my symptoms haven't been as bad, but since I was about 17 it's been pretty much constant. My rheumatologist...
  4. B


    Just wondering what supplments help for fatigue?
  5. R

    Fibro & CFS

    I've been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia several years ago. Now my doc thinks i have developed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I will be undergoing testing now. I have crushing muscle weakness.
  6. W

    Rheumatologist Friday

    the primary care refered me to a rheumatologist, that appointment is friday. said she didnt want to tag me with fibromyalgia but felt confident that is what i am dealing with. all of the typical symptoms, a gazillion tests, co-pays, and all of the usual attempts to figure out what is wrong with...
  7. M

    Pretty sure I have fibromyalgia

    Hi, my name is Joy. I am new to these forums, and this is my first post. I am 37 years old. I have been struggling for a long time, getting diagnosed with various things. 1. I had GERD (acid reflux), and my gastroenterologist told me it was the cause of my IBS, even though IBS started...
  8. T

    Plexus Scam

    I have read several things lately that claim Plexus has a side benefit that it reduces pain and fatigue in fibro patients. Has anyone ever heard of this or experienced it themselves?
  9. T

    Approved for SSD - Tips and info if you are looking to apply in the U.S.

    It has been a while since I have been on this forum. I have a few friends that I have become acquainted with that are disabled and wanting to apply for disability. I thought about it and figured I would share with all of you that may be in the same boat. I am 51 and had to stop working at 49. I...
  10. V

    Newly diagnosed-struggling

    Hi to all Very recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia and temporomandibular disorder, luckily got a quick and prompt diagnosis and started on treatment. Currently taking gabapentin, which am coping with but coming to terms with this illness is extremely difficult. My mood is extremely low to the...