
  1. brsoucy

    Keep a positive on on the end result

    This past weekend, it suddenly hit me. Intense/severe constant pain in my upper right abdomen. Since I am 22 weeks pregnant, I freak out not knowing if something is happening to baby. I go to the doctors on Friday and find it is just round ligament pain (Ligament - kind of like a rubber band...
  2. B

    New to the Fibro world

    Hi everyone, I am relatively new to the fibro world, although I have had chronic pain for a few years, it has only been recently that my doctors have started thinking they better do something about it and get some diagnosis sorted! I am only 22 so they are being very reluctant to actually...
  3. A

    Having a bad week and it's only Monday

    Just have to vent, I feel like very few people in my life really hear me. I'm so tired. And I'm tired of being tired. I feel bad for trying to make plans with my mother this weekend and then feeling too exhausted to get out if bad. I feel worse that there's nothing I can say that will make her...
  4. C

    How to get started?

    Hi, folks. I'm new to this forum and new to my fibro diagnosis. I have been seeing a pain doc due to pack pain. Over the years I have had pain in my hips that is actually worse than the back pain - I can't lie on either side because of the hip pain and I can't lie on my back because of back...
  5. H

    Great week

    Hi, guys! I had a great week. I think it's because I got just the right combination of meds from my doctors and I used them to really kick my exercise into gear. I also had myself going to bed early and was eating healthy. I was so happy. I had like four good days in a row. I got my hopes up and...
  6. vickythecat

    How can you describe your fatigue?

    Hi, I am not very good at words that explain certain physical feelings. The word fatigue is one of them. It simply confuses me. Is it supposed to be the same as 'exhaustion', for example? I often hear people take a nap when they are exhausted or are fatigued. But with me, when I am exhausted...
  7. vickythecat

    (adult) bedwetting and fibro

    Hi, It is a very sensitive topic for me because it made me live in shame and self-hatred for most of my life. I have wet my bed every night till the age of 22. In that time my parents took me to many doctors, we tried many meds and methods...until an amazing urologist solved the problem with...
  8. G

    fibro flare up??

    So now that I have been diagnosed, I am having trouble distinguishing what is fibro related and what is not. For instance, for the past 2 days I have been exhausted, having pain in my neck going down my right arm (feels like a violin string being plucked), both my shoulders and my elbows hurt...
  9. Sagey

    Just Started Savella

    I just started Savella Three days ago And I'm kinda surprised that I allready have some extra energy. Ive been nauseous and a little shaky but it's something I've been thru before with the other meds. Ive been totally exhausted and weak, and with just the start of the titrated pack,:smile: I...
  10. vickythecat

    what is my purpose here, on this planet???

    Somehow, ever since I was a child, I felt like I must be here on this planet for a purpose. I could not stand injustice and unfairness. But right from my younger ages, I was imprisoned in my social anxiety. I was afraid of humans - child or adult. So I did not speak because I was not brave...