
  1. D

    I'm a Mom

    I'm a mom and my kids were 2 & 4 when I got sick: Now they are 10 & 12. They do not know the "real" me. They don't remember how I was. I had to stop carrying my two year old around back then and that is hard for a baby girl. I could no longer hold her. I am sad that the mom they got is...
  2. A

    Hard to acccept diagnoses of fibro

    New member to forum and fibro -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello I was diagnosed with fibro on 11-26-2013 and having a hard time accepting my diagnoses. I have other illness: diabetes, asthma, chronic back pain, and might have RSD in my right...
  3. L

    Is this Gabapentin side effect normal

    Hi! I'm in the process of being diagnosed, but I have not been to a specialist yet due to my lack of insurance. My doctor gave me info to help me get insurance so she can get me to a specialist (would this be a rheumatologist?) But has perscribed me some meds to help me feel better till then...
  4. Z

    new to forum pain is back

    I'm new here. Hoping to get some answers. I've had regular bouts of severe pain for years. Last year I looked up the fibro trigger points and BANG! That was me. Strugggled with depression for yrs to which no medication has alleviated ... only seems to make things worse, sometimes way worse and...
  5. J

    Hi everyone, new here.

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in July after several years of ruling out every other possibility under the sun. I do believe that my Mother also had this however in her day it was attributed to "old age aches and pains" and she suffered for years. It has been a very trying few years as I...
  6. F

    Too many meds ...

    I am sooooo FRUSTRATED I just want to scream from the roof tops. I WANT OUT FROM UNDER ALL THIS CRAP! I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired and I know every person on here understands what I am saying. (She says with tears streaming down her face.) None of these meds work and they...
  7. F

    New Pain Doc

    Well Folks, I took the plunge and went to an appointment with yet another pain doc yesterday. He seemed to listen well and take me seriously. I followed a fellow forum friend's (sorry, can't remember the name) advice and concentrated on my most serious issues. (Neck and shoulders at this point.)...
  8. B

    Savella and SNRI side effects/withdrawal symptoms

    Hi everyone, For those of you with experience with savella and Effexor, I'm hoping you can provide some insight. I was on Effexor for about 8 weeks. It took me about 2 weeks to get past the nausea, but I had headaches every day I was on the drug. It wasn't terrible, but enough to make me...
  9. M

    Pregnant with FM (no drugs)

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for pain management while pregnant with FM? I am only 7 weeks pregnant, but I also have a 6 month old son. I went off meds when we tried getting pregnant with him, and I have been off everything since, which will be a couple years now...
  10. cinderr

    Side Effects of Pain Meds?

    I hope you won't find me crazy but I am having some weird side effects from the vicodin I take 3-4 times a day. I am very jumpy and while I don't actually see bugs , etc, I know they're out there! My rheumo said it was a side effect of the vikeys. Have you found yourself being a bit quirky...