
  1. K

    So Tired All The Time

    I haven't posted on the forum in awhile, but it's because I've been so tired. Not only do I have to deal with pain in my legs and knees all day, but tiredness. No matter how much I sleep I feel tired. It's driving me crazy. It's summer. I want to work in the garden, go to the beach. Do things...
  2. ErinLC

    Facial sweating in waves. I'm about to lose my mind.

    Hi all, I need some help. I've never dealt well with the heat in summer and I tend to sweat everywhere I also have anxiety which doesn't help obviously. BUT, now it's winter and it's cold which I'm loving EXCEPT right after a shower or I put on make up I just start sweating from my forehead...
  3. T

    Just Blah

    Hi, hope all of you mothers out there are having a great day with your families. Even though my daughter, son in law and granddaughter came over today and had dinner with me I am still feeling blah. Just so depressed I could cry. I never seem to want to do anything anymore and the thought of...
  4. B

    New Member

    Hello, I may be unique in that I am here on behalf of the victim, my Mom, who I believe suffers from fibromyalgia. I can offer the point of view of an outside observer and from what I've read so far her symptoms are close to many of yours. She also has cardiomyopathy and swelling in her feet...
  5. P

    Feeling Anxious!

    I was diagnosed with Fibro in 2012. I continually hurt on each side of neck,shoulders, hips, elbows, and I have muscle tension. I can't seem to relax. I'm to a point that everything around me affects me. It just seems as though I over react to every situation. My teenage daughter was driving the...
  6. U

    Early Morning Waking!

    I have diagnosed myself with fibromyalgia , from researching my symptoms over the past 5 years . I tick all off the boxes of symptoms listed and have experienced them all at various degrees. I tend to read that most sufferers complain of joint and muscle pain, although I experience that to a...
  7. B

    Negative thoughts and depression.

    At the outset, I inform you that I am about to write may have negative thoughts,so if you want to avoid reading it you can. If some of you remember, some months back I wrote about how yoga and deep breathing was treating me and I recommended it to you. well what is happening when I stop it is...
  8. P

    Memory loss

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone else is having trouble with their memory? In the last few weeks, I have had several episodes. Once I was driving home and completely forgot where I lived, I had to sit in my car for about 10 minutes then it came to me. I got an email from an eye doctor thanking me...
  9. L

    Hello from a Newbie in Kansas

    Greetings everyone from Kansas :) I was diagnosed with Fibro almost 2 yrs ago by a Rheumatologist and it was confirmed 3 months ago by a dr who specializes in Fibro. I had a few symptoms as a teen and over the yrs, there were more symptoms. But these last 3 years have been the worst. I have...
  10. yoyowa

    It's Never Lupus - my ongoing, annoying, confusing story

    Hello all! I'm new to the thread and thought I'd introduce myself, vent and discuss because frankly I'm so annoyed I just want to scream. So bear with me. I've always felt a bit off medically. I was born with toxoplasmosis originally but got a then new, experimental treatment which 'cured' me...