
  1. F

    Is it just fibromyalgia?!?

    I have been recently diagnosed and just wondered, is it ever just fibromyalgia? I've read many articles, blogs, and patient forums. It appears that fibromyalgia isn't a singular illness. The majority seem to have other health issues affecting them along with fibromyalgia. It makes me wonder...
  2. J

    Might lose my job because of FMS

    Hi everybody, It's been a while since I posted here. I think I was trying to live as normally as possible knowing that I had Fibro. I was diagnosed in October 2014 and gave my diagnosis letter to my boss who was fully understanding as she had a family member with fibro but her case was worse...
  3. M

    Recently diagnosed FM, new to the forum, have a few questions

    Hi everyone! I'm new here, and only very recently diagnosed with FM (and a few other things), two days ago. I've been in and out of hospitals and medical centres for the last 18 months, and despite finally having a diagnosis, I'm still having multiple scans and tests. I've been having issues...
  4. E

    I was actually relieved to hear "you have fibromyalgia" !

    I was diagnosed two days ago at an apt. With a new rhumotologist that I showed up at 10 am for 1pm apt! I now know that was fibromya fog! I had almost cancelled, I just didn't think I could get out of bed let alone out of the house into another doctors office trying to explain my symptoms one...
  5. M

    Seeking a diagnosis.

    [I] I am new to this community. I have been seeking any diagnosis. More than a decade ago I had a high Titer and was treated for Lupus. But now I am sero-negative, with symptoms and pain everywhere. I have been referred to a Rheu.and since I was sero-negative,I was dismissed from his care. The...
  6. E

    I'm in denial

    I've done quite a bit of research on fibro because I suspect my husband may have it, although the VA hasn't given him a diagnosis, he does have an rx for Lyrica and Cymbalta. But that's another can of worms. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety in college, hypothyroidism when I was 22...
  7. Cheryl Ann

    Wrong diagnosis? ?

    Hi , I'm not sure whether to be happy or discouraged. I was told by my disability lawyer that he read thru my medical records file and he did not see a diagnosis for Fibromyalgia. Furthermore, I went to my sleep doctor today and she said that my diagnoses are Chronic Pain Disorder or maybe...
  8. N

    Diagnosis After Child Birth

    Hi Everyone, I am new to the forum. I want to share my story with you and find out if anyone has had a similar experience. I have lived with bad anxiety off and on since I was a child, but after the birth of my son in October 2013 my whole life turned upside down. I had a fine pregnancy... no...
  9. G

    Diagnosed but not in the records

    I went to see a rheumatologist today and was actually diagnosed but he did not want to put it on my record yet since we still have to have the results from my HLA-B27 Antigen, SED Rate (ESR), Cyclic Citrullinated, Peptide (CCP) AB (IGG), C Reactive Protein and Rheumotoid Factor Blood to come...
  10. A

    Fibro, depression and PTSD how does one survive?

    I am a 58 year old woman who has struggled with Depression, PTSD and now a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia . I have all the symptoms, from pain, insomnia, headaches, fatigue, nausea and sensetivity to smells. In the last year I have begun a regime of pscye meds, Lyrica for the Fibro and weekly...