
  1. D

    No sympathy from daughter

    I am probably going to sound like I am rambling, so I apologize in advance, I just need to get this off my chest. Let me start with background... I have been suffering silently with this for many, many years. A couple of years ago I couldn't take it anymore when after work every day I would...
  2. R

    I'm new to this site but I need some advice.....

    I am a 28 year old male who on 5/16/2014 packed out truck at work. I work for cvs. On 5/17/2014 I woke up with pins and needle in my right arm and fingers. It would constantly come and go until 5/23/2014, when again on truck day I felt my whole arm go numb. I rushed to the er who diagnosed me...
  3. A

    Extreme pain in hands & feet?

    Hello, I am relatively newly diagnosed with fibro (3 months ago). For me it seems like I've been struggling with the pain and degeneration for more than 6 years. My father's name for it is "the creeping crud." I wonder if others have the same trouble I do with the pain in your hands and feet...
  4. P

    New to Site but NOT New to Fibro or Pain

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far away... sorry, I could not resist. That is just one of my other conditions rearing its head, StarWarsNerd-itis. Hey, we have to find something to laugh about, right? Anyway, I guess this is my Fibro story... I was always an active kid. I mean, I had my share...
  5. P

    Newly Diagnosed and Already Frustrated

    Hi, I was diagnosed with fibro by an Immunologist a couple of weeks ago. A couple of days ago I went back to see my GP. I have been reading about fibro for the last couple of weeks so I asked her if I was going to get tested (like trigger point) but she said that there was no need as the...
  6. S

    New Member

    Hi i am new to this .I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia,Rheumatoid Arthritis,Sleep Apnea i am in constant pain and my skin is so sore to touch i also have Fibro fog which is so annoying. My joints swell and i am so tired all of the time its so dibilitating i am so depressed i am 48 but sime...
  7. S

    Please help me!

    Hello everyone, Here's my background: 36, woman, 140 (lost 25lb since 11/12) I was diagnosed with psoriasis at 15. I started humira in 2007 to control the skin lesions. In 2011 my ex dislocated my shoulder and I had to discontinue humira while I had two surgeries in 5/12 and 10/12. A week...
  8. R

    Living with fibro

    Hello everyone I am new to this forum. The reason I joined this forum after living with fibro for 20 years is that I have become tired of the daily pain. I want to know what others do to cope with pain. I feel the medical community has failed me so instead of getting depressed I chose to explore...
  9. K

    tryna get the hang if member😁

    I'm looking forward to talking to people who have fibromyalgia and are managing it to n extent. I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2011 and to now I still haven't been able to deal with it. It frustrates me...makes me depressed..I have anxiety attacks as well. What bothers me is it can't...
  10. C

    MS or fibro?

    Hi everyone, I have been diagnosed with Fibro about a year ago and have a history of anxiety, and depression. I have had weird symptoms my whole life and now I feel debilitated. I used to be a weight lifter/fitness enthusiast who always worked out. Now I can hardly get to the store. I am...