
  1. I

    so confused help please

    my problems started really showing up about 5 years ago. I felt as though I had the flu I ached and ran low fever. so I go to the doctor he checks me for lyme desease but it was negative he said he thought I was showing signs of Fibro. he is just a PCP but he gave me meds to try to help which...
  2. N

    Does it ever get better?

    So I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in March (2014) and started taking 60mg off cymbalta (30 twice a day) and have relief from the pain and most of the fatigue. Except, here is the problem... Before the pain and fatigue started I was working 50-60 hours a week in a high stress environment, I...
  3. E

    My Doc Gave me Homework...Help!

    So the day finally came for me to go and get my blood work results and talk about treatment options today. First, my blood work came back normal and negative for the list of test run to rule out autoimmune diseases and other illness that could be causing my chronic fatigue and pain. Big relief...
  4. Y

    New here, but fibro for 3+ yrs

    Hi, I look forward to reading through the posts and especially would like to find a success story. I started out with various symptoms, like swelling on the backs of my knees, very weak leg muscles to the point where the muscle feels like it is not working although I could use my muscles...
  5. T

    Newbie: what has helped you?

    I'm new to this forum. I've had fibro for 12 years, the last year and a half have been extreme, no days without pain. When first diagnosed I tried cymbalta, lyrica, and muscle relaxers,with no long term relief. I'm going to family doctor Thursday and I don't know what to try. What has worked...
  6. A

    Struggling with increasing symptoms

    I am a 26 years old and was diagnosed December 2013 with fibromyalgia after many years of neck and upper back pain. My pain started with very tight muscles and frequent spasms. I'd get headaches and just a lot of pain in my neck. Now that has diminished somewhat, although I still get shooting...
  7. R

    So, these are my symptoms and want to see what you have to say

    I all I just found this site. I am 40 years old, and have pain in my mid back area which sometimes occurs during the day but mostly and almost exclusively when sleeping. Getting to sleep isn't usually a problem, but after roughly 5/6 hours, I am up and in really bad pain. The pain is on...
  8. I

    New Problem

    It has been such a long road for me. I first got diagnosed with fibro in September, 2011. I had all the classical symptoms of fibro. I have been getting treated for fibro since that time by a neurologist that I recently encountered a problem with. I last saw him in October of 2013. I take...
  9. C

    Newbie with Cymbalta questions

    Hey everyone, I'm newly diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I want to learn as much as possible about it. My Dr. Started me right off with Cymbalta at 30mg, and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I've only been on it 3 days now, and I feel worse than when I started it. I take tramadol for...
  10. L

    hello dear all

    hello dear everyone. i am from istanbul, turkey. i have been lurking around foor some time :) i have been diagnosed with fibro in nov.12 after years of struggle with pain. i had an accident in 2007. a motorcycle hit me. my neck and lower back was injured. since 3 years i am struggling with...