
  1. T

    Newly diagnosed and very confused

    I can't believe everything I am feeling is fibromylagia. 4 years ago I started having sciatica. It would come and go and I worked through it. Did Zumba, walked 2 miles several times a week. But the pain got worse then just didn't go away. Sent to physiatrist who said it was sciatica and...
  2. I

    Do I have it?

    About 2 days ago, I noticed extreme sensitivity to touch. If I lightly scratch myself, I can feel it for a while; if I stretch, it kind of burns; if I put pressure on my arms and legs, I feel discomfort. I generally don't sleep much, but I've been feeling overwhelming tiredness. In the morning...
  3. T


    Sorry, I know this isn't a pleasant subject to talk about and some of you may feel uncomfortable sharing this information but I hope you will so I can get a better understanding of what is going on with me. Do any of you suffer from IBS and if so what are your symptoms? I feel sick at my...
  4. K

    Long time Fibro patient needs advice

    I also have cerebral palsy. I was diagnosed Fibro (and IBS) 15 years ago. Always been mostly manageable but the last week or so has been tough. Cramps (Mostly at belly button level), constipation (I can still #2 with "effort"), no blood in stool except for when I'm straining and I wipe...
  5. D

    Burning pain

    It's a lovely summers day here in the UK. I am at a complete loss as to how to fight this illness anymore. The last year has been so awful....burning pain, deep aching, stabbing pains muscle weakness head to toe almost everyday.....not an inch of me spared. I've also got interstitial...
  6. Forgetmenot


    Anyone else get cramps I only have to more my feet the wrong way or my legs and the cramp .my blood test came back fine .
  7. N

    Feet and Leg Cramps

    Periodically I get severe cramps in my feet (mainly toes) and calves. This happens mostly at night, but toe cramps also occur during the day. Some nights I wake several times tring to walk them off soakin in cold water. Nothing I do seems to help. Does anyone have any suggestions for relief...
  8. F

    Referred to Rheumatologist

    At first my doctor thought I had anxiety, but a few months went by and the pain/aching has set in. He did a tender point test and some places didn't bother me but he barely pressed down. Other spots felt like sore/tender muscles. He did bloodwork, testing for a long list of things and it all...
  9. M

    Recently diagnosed FM, new to the forum, have a few questions

    Hi everyone! I'm new here, and only very recently diagnosed with FM (and a few other things), two days ago. I've been in and out of hospitals and medical centres for the last 18 months, and despite finally having a diagnosis, I'm still having multiple scans and tests. I've been having issues...
  10. S

    Fibro or not?

    For years I've been told I had neuropathy, then pheripherial neuroopathy, and last year Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease. I just saw a new neurologist and he did lots of test, including a MRI of the brain and he's ruled out everything neurological. But, he does think it's Fibromyalgia. I don't know...