
  1. W

    Hello, New and sharing my story.

    Hello there, I am brand new here and I hope not to make any faux pas during my 'initiation' phase. Lol! I am 27 years old and was diagnosed with Fibro around 2-3 years ago, resulted from an accident at work around 5 years ago which damaged my foot and has left me on crutches ever since. Here is...
  2. M

    24 year old mum of 2 with chronic fibromyalga you name it iv got it :'(

    Hi everyone im new to this page. Im 24 with two beautiful girls and been with there dad for 7 years now. I wS diagnosed around 2 months after having my 2nd child. After a long conversation with my doctor she suspected I may have had it all my life aftef talking about my past. I am really really...
  3. W

    Am I alone

    hello all, this is my first post and I don't know if I will receive a warm welcome! My wife has fibromyalgia and I am looking for some advice and support. As I don't have the illness myself I don't know if you will be able to help me but I thought that I would see if I was alone. I find it...
  4. Melissast

    The Spoon Theory

    I was wondering if any of you have ever heard this story. I told my friends about it and now they seem to understand a little bit better that there is a limited amount of things that I can do every day. "The Spoon Theory My best friend and I were in the diner, talking. As usual, it was very...
  5. T

    Building symptoms for several years...and?

    My only medical diagnoses are "Pure O" OCD and Bipolar type 2 with associated depression -I've been depressed off and on since I was 13. I'm on lamictal and lexapro. I'm 27. I noticed my first weird symptom about 4 years ago. Floaters in my eyes and weird numbness and tingling in my...
  6. C

    Just because I have fibro does not mean I dont have a brain!

    I am sick to death of being treated like an idiot who does not have 2 brain cells to rub together and who should not try to involve themselves with adult conversation. My OH is technical geek - but I have since having fibro taught myself a fair amount about web design and programming and I have...
  7. A

    How can I help my sister who has fibromyalgia?

    I have a 39-yo sister who has fibromyalgia. She was diagnosed a year ago. I love her to death though most of the time she drives me nuts! Every single day, she complains about her pain, how she fell asleep on her job, etc...and she gets irritated at me when she's in pain, has a headache because...
  8. M

    Tips Hat

    Hello Please allow me to introduce my self, and explain a tale of agony and woe. My name is RoD, and I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2010 after going untreated with symptoms for several years before getting diagnosed. As a male with fibro I have had to make a lot of adjustments to my life...
  9. H

    Undiagnosed yet and curious

    Hello everybody :) I'm getting tests done currently but I thought I would write down my symptoms just to see if anyone is similar issues as myself..! Please excuse the poor punctuation and randomness as I was just making notes in my iPhone then decided to paste them into here..! My symptoms...
  10. R

    Not Diagnosed

    Hello, I have suspected for the last 3-4 years that I may have fibro. Some days my body hurts so much that I want to cry. I have also suffered from migraines for the last 18 years but I am on medication for them. I should say that I have a very busy life. I work full time in a hospital and go to...