
  1. C

    HI! New to forum

    I am new here as well, and have not yet been officially diagnosed...:confused:
  2. M

    Sleep study tomorrow, what should I expect?

    My insurance finally approved my sleep study. I go tomorrow night. They didn't tell me a whole lot except to wash my hair but not to put conditioner in my hair:-? Which is funny because I have super thick super long hair that is going to be snarled mess if I don't use some conditioner, and to...
  3. J

    Hi, I'm in Tasmania

    Hello everyone. I'm from north west Tasmania, I was just diagnosed last month and already I'm annoying people with my Eureka moments. It's so weird having this myriad of symptoms. The ones which don't hurt were so trivial but now that I can account so many to FMS I spend a lot of time going...
  4. Trellum

    Feeling so confused

    Just yesterday I had an endoscopy and a colonoscopy, I went to see the gastroenterologist today to discuss the results. Well... it was a complete nightmare! This doctor I had never ever seen before left me with even more questions than answers! It turns out I have a massive hiatal hernia, but...
  5. Raven

    Feeling better but confused

    The neurologist that I have been seeing finally got most of the worst symptoms under control so that it is easier to work. He put me on modafinil and gabapentin and I feel better than I have for years. Although I feel better, I don't seem to have any more energy. I didn't get any extra spoons...
  6. A

    Losing my mind

    Alright so I know these same questions get asked quite often and I don't mean to repeat the same old thing, but I would really like some reassurance before setting up a doctors appointment that it's "not all in my head" which has stopped me from going for the last three years now. A...
  7. S

    New to forum, not Fibro

    I've never been on a support group forum. I have pain everyday. Sometimes it's hard to tell if my pain is Lupus, Fibromyalgia or Osteoarthritis. So, it's hard to figure what is the right treatment, even the doctors have a hard time also. They mimic each other so much. It can be very...
  8. Y

    New here, but fibro for 3+ yrs

    Hi, I look forward to reading through the posts and especially would like to find a success story. I started out with various symptoms, like swelling on the backs of my knees, very weak leg muscles to the point where the muscle feels like it is not working although I could use my muscles...
  9. S

    Fibromyalgia - This is my story

    Hi I'm Shannon, I'm from Australia and I recently had a video created, this is my story of how I came to get Fibromyalgia, this will answer a few questions for people who are concerned, or confused.
  10. L

    Test Result Help

    I got my blood work back and my doctor wants me in ASAP for more testing. Everything was normal except this: ANA IFA SCREEN W/RFX TITER AND PATTERN IFA ANA SCREEN IFA POSITIVE (NEGATIVE) 42254-3 Positive ANA IFA SCREEN W/RFX TITER AND PATTERN IFA ANA TITER IFA 1:160 (SEE BELOW) Positive ANA...