
  1. H

    Pain While Sleeping

    Hi all. New here and want to share how I got this condition and ask a few questions. I was dealt a severe emotional blow about 6 y ago and after that my hair started falling out and the stress did something to my body. A few years later, I moved into an apartment with huge mold colonies inside...
  2. B

    Long post alert: 8 things to say to a loved one with a chronic Illness

    1. I believe you: Instead of its all in your in your head. We all have heard this before and it hurts. Especially coming from a loved one. Saying these words to your loved one or fried is a beautiful gift they will be eternally grateful for. 2. I want to understand: The best way to to show...
  3. E

    I am so new to this it is scary.

    Hello im Emmjay and im 23, i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and joint hypermobility syndrome in december 2013 and have been struggling ever since, i lost my job due to having a lot of time off fr the condition and have recently got a new job but i am yet again struggling to keep up a 40 hour...
  4. R

    newbie feeling sorry for myself

    Hi. I'm Rochelle. Just joined this forum as in the middle of a particularly bad flare up and feel the need to reach out to others like me. I have been diagnosed for 12 years now and really hate this crippling condition that has taken so much of my life already. I have had to change jobs because...
  5. Cheryl Ann


    I'm worried about getting a flu shot. Many of you have talked about having large swellings at the site of the injection. I have some new (new to me) autoimmune disease that they haven't identified yet. It causes extreme swelling. My GP said he thinks it has to do with my synovial tissues...
  6. D

    Did my doctor really just say that?

    So I just moved to a new location which meant that I had to find a whole new set of doctors and it has been painful, a different kind of pain from the flu-like achy all over electric nerves on fire whole body pain. This is more the - want to pull my hair out, scream, be belligerent but biting my...
  7. B

    Researcher Interested in fibromyalgia

    Hi, My name is Ben and I am a massage/reiki therapist as well as a cell biology student at UC Davis. I have worked with clients that had fibromyalgia and am very interested in the condition and am researching new methods to provide relief and healing for those with fibromyalgia. For an...
  8. Devilstompa

    Doctors & Pain Meds

    What I don't understand and makes me very angry is when you have a doctors visit they want you to manage the pain & to be active but they are either against pain meds or wont prescribe them. How can you have a chronic pain condition and your doctor wont give you meds to help with the pain. There...
  9. W

    Could my mystery illness be Fibromyalgia?

    WlkrdudeNew Member Hello everyone. I am new here! Please bare with me as this will be a long post, but hopefully you guys could enlighten me as to whether this prolonged mystery illness I have could in fact be Fibromyalgia. To begin I am a formerly healthy 30 year old man, 5'11'' and 150ish...
  10. E

    Hi Everyone...

    Hello, I just googled and found this forum and thought I would give it a try. I was diagnosed with Fibro in 2003 and honestly I feel like I have been through every..(oops brain-fog moment)..Oh yeah, every symptom that comes along with having fibromyalgia. I look forward to meeting some awesome...