
  1. S

    Hello - new today

    Hello, I've just joined this site and I'm very excited about being able to talk to people who can empathise rather than sympathise. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia/CFS/Neuropathy in my legs from my feet to my hips and in my arms from my fingertips to my shoulders aprrox 6 - 7 years ago. I've...
  2. F

    New Pain Doc

    Well Folks, I took the plunge and went to an appointment with yet another pain doc yesterday. He seemed to listen well and take me seriously. I followed a fellow forum friend's (sorry, can't remember the name) advice and concentrated on my most serious issues. (Neck and shoulders at this point.)...
  3. F

    Where Am I

    Where am I The fog in my brain made ever so dense by the chemicals it's fed I am lost I search and I scream for the me that used to be If only the pain was as numb as my brain Where am I My central nervous system is running on overlaod My clothes feel strange against my skin My digestive system...
  4. L

    Extra Sensitive Skin?

    Hello, I've been to multiple doctors for my chronic pain, and one of the possibilities was fibromyalgia. My skin randomly gets super sensitive to the touch. It's just my skin, and is completely different than my average chronic back pain. It's like when I sit too close to a heater for a while...
  5. W

    Shopping - Totally Overdid it today;(

    So, I started this blog for Fabulously Thrifty people like me. People who want to look good, but still think $50.00 is too much to spend on a dress. I grabbed 2 magazines today and went to 2 goodwills (in Phoenix area, every other Saturday is 50% off everything day). So I only went to 2...
  6. K

    New here.. not new to Fibro

    Hi folks. I am a 50 year old woman who was diagnosed with Fibro almost 2 years ago. I found the site in my search for relief. It all began in 2011 when I could no longer wake up or stay awake and I started having severe muscle fatigue. I started with my family doctor. He tested me to every...
  7. M

    gabapentin and weight gain

    Hi - I've been on gabapentin now for a few months - 900-1200 mg /day as well as Cymbalta - 60 mg per day and have gained 10 lbs. This is a lot for me. I am short and have always watched my weight. I eat well and exercise regularly. My doctor suggested weaning off the gabapentin and...
  8. P

    My Intro

    Hi, My name is Patricia. I am fairly newly diagnosed with fibro, just in April 2013. I was diagnosed with MS in December of 2007 and I was already dealing with chronic pain due to the MS. I have been on Avinza, a sustained released morphine, since before my MS diagnosis. I've also been on...
  9. B

    Sometimes my clothes literally hurt my skin

    Weird but some times the skin over certain trigger points hurt and I can't stand anything rubbing on that area, anyone's else have skin pain besides the deep normal Fibro ache ?
  10. twiztc


    Ok I get pain. I'm sort of used to pain from the waist down. This whole thing started in my legs and lower back and it only stops me in my tracks when its really really bad. But today I have severe pains in my arms. I'm really not used to more than some arthritis pain in my hands and...
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