
  1. P

    Abusive relationship....

    So I just found out from my daughter that today is Thursday. I have been in an extreme flare since Tuesday. The hardest thing is that it's my second one in two weeks. After three months of being in remission I have told several people that there is only one way to explain how this feels. It's...
  2. mellowminty

    Awful Hand Pain

    i have fibro/chronic pain/chronic fatigue that began in my neck, but recently its been hitting my hands and arms. b/c of my disabilities (the pain and fatigue + double depression and anxiety), i leave the house for little, and also stay home to care for my mother, who has RSD (another type of...
  3. MaggyBunny

    Frustrated with my "supportive/understanding" boyfriend

    First off I should state that I got diagnosed a few months ago with fibromyalgia, since then I've bought so many books… one book in particular "fibromyalgia for friends and loved ones" my parents found it very helpful and answered a lot of questions. My boyfriend (of many years that I live with)...
  4. S

    tips for moving forward

    Hi, I have been having intense, horrible, crippling pain for two years but was somehow just diagnosed recently. I was told "pelvic pain" "back problems" "piriformis syndrome" etc, etc. i have done a lot of reading about fibromyalgia. I currently take magnesium (lotion and pills), vit. D...
  5. J

    Overlapping conditions, so confusing

    I have recently started researching FM because after being diagnosed with it, I was never given information on it. I found a FM website that contained an overlapping conditions page. I have been diagnosed with 11 of the listed conditions. It's interesting to me how some of them tie in. I always...
  6. F

    New Member and Fighter of Fibromyalgia

    Hello everyone! I am a new member of this forum and a recently found out from my Neurologist that I have Fibromyalgia. Being 23 and hearing this news, on top of my other auto immune disorders is a little depressing. I was a very healthy, active, happy girl 5 years ago, before weird symptoms...
  7. T

    Dealing with unhelpful doctors

    It seems that with fibromyalgia doctors don’t take it as seriously as diseases with known causes. I had a doctor ask me if I was stressed out and tell me that I’m too young and shouldn’t be having chronic pain. Another doctor saw me for five minutes and told me that a lack of serotonin causes...
  8. S

    My Symptoms...

    Hello, For the past months, I've been experiencing a bunch of symptoms that I all thought were unrelated. I've been getting migrating pain in my hips and shoulder. The pain in my hips was so bad one time I thought I had a broken hip. My lower back, neck, and knees are always aching as well...
  9. Y

    Deal with overwhelming thoughts and feelings due to FM

    Hi I'm a PhD student at King's College London doing research in chronic pain. Our team developed an interesting online study testing a therapeutical process (technique) that helps us deal with our undesirable (such as painful) thoughts and feelings which often occur and can be overwhelming for...
  10. H

    ME/CFS Phone Support Group

    ME/CFS weekly phone support group starting Saturdays at 8pm EST. This is a peer to peer Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME support group. This call is designed to support one another through the hardships of this illness by listening and sharing experiences. Join us from the comfort of your own bed...